Long Lived Codebases: The Challenges

I did a talk at CodeMash 2015 called “Lessons Learned from a Long Lived Codebase” that I thought went very well and I promised to turn into a series of blog posts. I’m not exactly sure how many posts it’s going to be yet, but I’m going to try to get them all out by the end of January. This is the first of maybe 4-5 theoretical posts on my experience evolving and supporting the StructureMap codebase over the past 11-12 years.

Some Background

In 2002 the big corporate IT shop I was working in underwent a massive “Dilbert-esque” reorganization that effectively trapped me in a non-coding architect role that I hated. I could claim 3-4 years of development experience and had some significant technical successes under my belt in that short time, but I’d mostly worked with the old COM-based Windows DNA platform (VB6, MTS, ADO, MSXML, ASP) and Oracle technologies right as J2EE and the forthcoming .Net framework seemed certain to dominate enterprise software development for the foreseeable future.

I was afraid that I was in danger of being made obsolete in my new role. I looked for some kind of project I could do out in the open that I could use to both level up on the newer technologies and prove to potential employers that “yes, I can code.” Being a pretty heavy duty relational database kinda guy back then, I decided that I was going to build the greatest ORM tool the world had ever seen on the new .Net platform. I was going to call it “StructureMap” to reflect its purpose of mapping the database to object structures. I read white papers, doodled UML diagrams like crazy, and finally started writing some code — but got bogged down trying to write an over-engineered configuration and modularity layer that would effectively allow you to configure object graphs in Xml. No matter, I managed to land a job with ThoughtWorks (TW) and off I went to be a real developer again.

During the short time that I worked at ThoughtWorks, Martin Fowler published his paper about Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control Containers and other folks at the company built an IoC container in Java called PicoContainer that was getting some buzz on internal message boards. I came to TW in hopes of being one of the cool kids too, so I dusted off the configuration code for my abandoned ORM tool and transformed that it into an IoC library for .Net during my weekly flights between Austin and Chicago. StructureMap was put into a production application in early 2004 and publicly released on SourceForge in June of 2004 as the very first production ready IoC tool on the .Net platform (yes, StructureMap is actually older than Windsor or Spring.Net even though they were much better known for many years).

Flash forward to today and there’s something like two dozen OSS IoC containers for .Net (all claiming to be a special snowflake that’s easier to use than the others while being mostly about the same as the others), at least three (Unity, MEF, and the original ObjectBuilder) from Microsoft itself with yet another brand new one coming in the vNext platform. I’m still working with and on StructureMap all these years later after the very substantial improvements for 3.o last year — but at this point very little remains unchanged from the early code. I’m not going to waste your time trying to sell you on StructureMap, especially since I’m going to spend so much time talking about the mistakes I’ve made during its development. This series is about the journey, not the tool itself.

What’s Changed around Me

Being 11 years old and counting, StructureMap has gone through a lot of churn as the technologies have changed and approaches have gone in and out of favor. If you maintain a big codebase over time, you’re very likely going to have to migrate it to newer versions of your dependencies, use completely different dependencies, or you’ll want to take advantage of newer programming language features. In no particular order:

  • StructureMap was originally written against .Net 1.1, but at the time of this post targets .Net 4.0 with the PCL compliance profile.
    • Newer elements of the .Net runtime like Task and Lazy<T> have simplified the code internals.
    • Lambdas as introduced in .Net 3.5 made a tremendous difference in the coding internals and had a big impact on the usage of the tool itself.
    • As I’ll discuss in a later post, the introduction of generics support into StructureMap 2.0 was like the world’s brightest spotlight shining on all the structural mistakes I made in the initial code structure of early StructureMap, but I’ll still claim that the introduction of generic types has made for huge improvements in StructureMap’s usability — and also one of the main reason why I think that the IoC tools in .Net are generally more usable than those in Java or Scala.
  • The build automation was originally done with NAnt, NUnit, and NMock. As my tolerance for Xml and coding ceremony decreased, StructureMap moved to using Rake and RhinoMocks. For various reasons, I’m looking to change the automation tooling yet again to modernize the StructureMap development experience.
  • StructureMap was originally hosted on SourceForge with Subversion source control. Releases were done in the byzantine fashion that SourceForge required way back then. Today, StructureMap is hosted on GitHub and distributed as Nuget packages. Nuget packages are generated as an artifact of each continuous integration build and manually promoted to Nuget.org whenever it’s time to do a public release. Nuget is an obvious improvement in distribution over manually created zip files. It is my opinion that GitHub is the single best thing to ever happen for Open Source Software development. StructureMap has received vastly more community contribution since moving to GitHub. I’m on record as being critical of the .Net community for being too passive and not being participatory in regards to .Net community tooling. I’m pleasantly surprised with how much help I’ve received from StructureMap users since the 3.0 release last year to fix bugs and fill in usability gaps.
  • The usage patterns and the architectures that folks build using StructureMap. In a later post I’ll do a deep dive on the evolution of the nested container feature.
  • Developer aesthetics and preferences, again, in a later post


Other People

Let’s face it, you and I are perfectly fine, but the “other” developers are the problem. In the particular case of a widely used library, you frequently find out that other developers use your tool in ways that you did not expect or anticipate. Frameworks that abstract the IoC container with some sort of adapter library have been some of the worst offenders in this regard.

The feedback I’ve gotten from user problems has led to many changes over the years:

  • All new features. The interception capabilities were originally to support AOP scenarios that I don’t generally use myself.
  • Changing the API to improve usability when verbiage is wrong
  • Lots and lots of work tweaking the internals of StructureMap as users describe architectural strategies that I would never think of, but do turn out to be useful — usually, but not always, involving open generic types in some fashion
  • New conventions and policies to remove repetitive code in the tool usage
  • Additional diagnostics to explain the outcome of the new conventions and policies from above
  • Adding more defensive programming checks to find potential problems faster. My attitude toward defensive programming is much more positive after supporting StructureMap over the years. This might apply more to tools that are configuration intense like say, an IoC tool.
  • A lot of work to improve exception messages (more on this later maybe)


One thing that should happen is to publish and maintain best practice recommendations for StructureMap. I have been upset with the developers of a popular .Net OSS tool who did, in my opinion, a wretched job of integrating StructureMap in their adapter library (to the point where I advise users of that framework to adopt a different IoC tool). Until I actually manage to publish the best practice advice to avoid the very problems they caused in their StructureMap usage, those problems are probably on me. Trying to wean users off of using StructureMap as a static service locator and being a little too extreme in applying a certain hexagonal architecture style have been constant problems on the user group over the years.

I’m not sure why this is so, but I’ve learned over the years that the more vitriolic a user is being toward you online when they’re having trouble with your tool, the more likely it is that they themselves are just doing something very stupid that’s not necessarily a poor reflection on your tool. If you ever publish an OSS tool, keep that in mind before you make the mistake of opening a column in your Twitter client just to spot references to your project or a keyword search in StackOverflow. I’ve also learned that users who have uncovered very real problems in StructureMap can be reasonable and even helpful if you engage them as collaborators in fixing the issue instead of being defensive. As I said earlier about the introduction of GitHub, I have routinely gotten much more assistance from StructureMap users in reproducing, diagnosing, and fixing problems in StructureMap over the past year than I ever had before.


Pull, not Push for New Features

In early 2008 I was preparing the grand StructureMap 2.5 release as the purported “Python 3000” release that was going to fix all the usability and performance issues in StructureMap once and for all time (Jimmy Bogard dubbed it the Duke Nukem Forever release too, but the 3.0 release took even longer;)). At the same time, Microsoft was gearing up for not one, but two new IoC tools (Unity from P&P and MEF from a different team). I swore that I wasn’t going down without a fight as Microsoft stomped all over my OSS tool, so I kicked into high gear and started stuffing StructureMap with new features and usability improvements. Those new things roughly fell into two piles:

  • Features or usability improvements I made based on my experience with using StructureMap on real projects that I knew would remove some friction from day to day usage. These features introduced in the 2.5 release have largely survived until today and I’d declare that many of them were successful
  • Things that I just thought would be cool, but which I had no immediate usage in my own work. You’ve already called it, much of this work was unsuccessful and later removed because it was either in the way, confusing to use, easily done in other ways, or most especially, a pain in the neck for me to support online because it wasn’t well thought out in the first place.

You have to understand that any feature you introduce is effectively inventory you have to support, document, and keep from breaking in future work. To reaffirm one of the things that the Lean Programming people have told us for years, it’s better to “pull” new features into your tool based on a demonstrated need and usage than it is to “push” a newly conceived feature in the hope that someone might find useful later.


Yet to come…

I tend to struggle to complete these kinds of blog series, but I do have the presentation and all of the code samples, so maybe I pull it off. I think that the candidates for following posts are something like:

  • A short discussion on backward compatibility
  • My documentation travails and how I’m trying to fix that
  • “Crimes against Computer Science” — the story of the nested container feature, how it went badly at first, and what I learned while fixing it in 3.0
  • “The Great Refactoring of Aught Eight”
  • API Usage Now and Then
  • Diagnostics and Exceptions

11 thoughts on “Long Lived Codebases: The Challenges

  1. This is a great story Jeremy, I’ve used StructureMap since 2008 and even I was unaware that it existed the whole way back to 2004 with .NET 1.1

    I would love to have some more details on what exactly you’re referring to in regards of

    Things that I just thought would be cool, but which I had no immediate usage in my own work. You’ve already called it, much of this work was unsuccessful

  2. In one of those ironic twists you might not ever hear about, we were using StructureMap in the MSDN forums circa 2009 or 2010, even though P&P was in the same org as us.

    1. @Jeff,

      That’s cool, I didn’t know about that. Gotta say that I’m really not surprised that the left hand didn’t know anything about the right hand at MS back in those days.

      – Jeremy

    1. @Josh,

      I honestly couldn’t remember if it ever had been in CVS when I was writing that.

      I used to say that I hate VSS, but CVS hates me;) I might even say that I disliked CVS more than CC/Harvest.

      – Jeremy

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