Roslyn Powered Code Weaving Middleware

Jasper, with a big assist from Lamar, supports a unique middleware strategy that I believe will result in significantly higher performance, cleaner exception stack traces (and that matters), and better visibility into its runtime pipeline than similar frameworks in .Net. If you want to follow along with this code, you’ll need at least Jasper 0.8.3 that’s being indexed by Nuget as you read this and Jasper.SqlServer 0.8.2 because I managed to find some bugs while writing this post. Of course.

At this point, most .Net frameworks for messaging, local command running, or service bus message handling have some sort of support for nested middleware or what I used to call the Russian Doll Model. ASP.Net Core middleware is one example of this. Behaviors from NServiceBus is another example.

The great thing about this model when used judiciously is that it’s a great way to handle certain kinds of cross cutting concerns outside of your main HTTP route handling or message handling code. Used well, middleware will allow you to reuse a lot of code and simplify your application code by removing the need for repetitive infrastructure or workflow code.

In web development projects I’ve used or seen used middleware for:

  • Transaction management or unit of work semantics
  • Input validation where the middleware can stop further processing
  • Authentication
  • Authorization

Taking just authentication and authorization as examples, in many cases I’ve seen teams be able to get away with completely ignoring these concerns upfront while focusing on the core business functionality, then being able at a later time to just add middleware for authentication and authorization to take care of these concerns without having any impact on the existing business functionality. That’s a powerful exploitation of architectural reversibility to make development easier.

I’ve also seen this technique taken way, way too far to the point where the code was very difficult to understand. My advice is something along the lines of “don’t be stupid” and pay attention to what’s happening in your code if the middleware usage does more harm than good.

What Came Before and Why It Was Problematic

In FubuMVC, we supported a middleware strategy we called “behaviors” with this interface:

    public interface IActionBehavior
        Task Invoke();
        Task InvokePartial();

Calling the main HTTP action in FubuMVC’s equivalent to controller actions was a behavior. Reading the input body was a behavior. The common things like validation, authorization, authentication, and transactional management were potentially separate behavior objects. At runtime, we would use an IoC container to build out all the behaviors for the matched route, with each “outer” behavior having a reference to its “inner” behavior and each behavior having whatever services it needed to do its work injected into its constructor function.

When it worked well, it was awesome — at least in ~2010 terms when we .Net developers were just thrilled to break away from WebForms. Alas, this model has some issues:

  • It didn’t support an asynchronous model like you’d expect with more recent tooling
  • It results in an absurd number of objects being allocated for each HTTP request. Add in the mechanics around IoC scoped containers, and there was a lot of overhead just to assemble the things you needed to handle the request
  • When something went wrong, the stack traces were epic. There was so much FubuMVC-related framework noise code in the stack trace that many developers would just throw up their hands and run away (even though the real problem was clearly in their own code if they’d just looked at the top of the stack trace, but I digress….)
  • We had tools to visualize the full chain of behaviors for each route, but I don’t think that was ever fully effective for most developers who used FubuMVC

Jasper’s Approach

Not that long after publicly giving up on FubuMVC, I happened to see some articles about how the new Roslyn “compiler as a service” would allow you to compile and load assemblies on the fly from generated C# code. I theorized that this new Roslyn behavior could be exploited to create a new runtime pipeline for HTTP or messaging frameworks where you still had something like FubuMVC’s old Behavior model for cross cutting concerns, but you used some kind of code generation to “weave” in that functionality around your application code.

To make this more concrete, consider this function from a load testing harness that:

  • Handles an HTTP POST request to the url “/one”
  • Creates a new message object
  • Writes a record to the database tracking that the message was sent for the sake of verifying behavior later
  • Sends a message using Jasper’s Sql Server-backed messaging persistence

This is the actual code for the function that handles the HTTP POST:

public static async Task post_one(IMessageContext context, SqlTransaction tx)
    // Loads a pre-packaged message body from a JSON string
    var target1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(_json1);
    target1.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

    await tx.StoreSent(target1.Id, "Target");

    // Send a message through Jasper
    await context.Send(target1);

When Jasper bootstraps, it will generate a new class for each known route that inherits from this class partially shown below:

    public abstract class RouteHandler
        public abstract Task Handle(HttpContext httpContext);

        // Other methods we don't care about here

The RouteHandler classes are all compiled into a new assembly on the fly, then a single instance of each is instantiated and kept in the routing tree ready to handle any incoming requests.

The various instances of RouteHandler mediate between Jasper’s built in HTTP router and the interface it expects, the action methods that handle the actual request, and any Jasper middleware that might be mixed in. In the case of the post_one method shown above, the generated RouteHandler class is this (also on a Gist if the formatting is unreadable in your browser):

    public class SqlSender_HomeEndpoint_post_one : Jasper.Http.Model.RouteHandler
        private readonly SqlServerSettings _sqlServerSettings;
        private readonly IMessagingRoot _messagingRoot;

        public SqlSender_HomeEndpoint_post_one(SqlServerSettings sqlServerSettings, IMessagingRoot messagingRoot)
            _sqlServerSettings = sqlServerSettings;
            _messagingRoot = messagingRoot;

        public override async Task Handle(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext httpContext)
            var messageContext = _messagingRoot.NewContext();
            using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection sqlConnection2 = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(_sqlServerSettings.ConnectionString))
                await sqlConnection2.OpenAsync();
                var sqlTransaction = sqlConnection2.BeginTransaction();
                await Jasper.SqlServer.SqlServerOutboxExtensions.EnlistInTransaction(messageContext, sqlTransaction);
                await SqlSender.HomeEndpoint.post_one(messageContext, sqlTransaction);
                await messageContext.SendAllQueuedOutgoingMessages();

So let’s deconstruct this generated code a little bit because there’s clearly more going on than just delegating to the post_one method. If you look up above at the post_one method, you’ll see that it’s decorated with an [SqlTransaction]attribute. That adds Jasper’s Sql Server transactional middleware into the mix. All told, the generated code:

  1. Creates a new IMessageContext object that the post_one method needs
  2. Creates and opens a new SqlConnection to the connection string specified in configuration (through the SqlServerSettings object)
  3. Starts a new transaction
  4. Enlists the IMessageContext in the current transaction using Jasper’s Sql Server-backed outbox support
  5. Calls post_one with its two arguments
  6. Commits the transaction
  7. Flushes out any queued up, outgoing messages into Jasper’s local sending queues
  8. Closes and disposes the open connection

What you don’t see in that generated code is maybe more important:

  • In this case, Jasper/Lamar didn’t have to resort to using a scoped IoC container of any kind when handling this HTTP request. That’s a lot of runtime overhead that just disappeared as compared to most other .Net frameworks that perform similar functions to Jasper
  • When something does go wrong, the exception stack traces are going to be much simpler because everything is happening in just a few methods now instead of having lots of wrapped objects implementing a middleware strategy
  • Very few object allocations compared to the way FubuMVC accomplished the exact same functionality, and that’s hugely advantageous for performance in high volume systems

I think a deeper dive blog post later is probably justified, but the implementation of the middleware is this class below:

    public class SqlTransactionFrame : AsyncFrame
        private Variable _connection;
        private bool _isUsingPersistence;
        private Variable _context;

        public SqlTransactionFrame()
            Transaction = new Variable(typeof(SqlTransaction), this);

        public bool ShouldFlushOutgoingMessages { get; set; }

        public Variable Transaction { get; }

        public override void GenerateCode(GeneratedMethod method, ISourceWriter writer)
            writer.Write($"await {_connection.Usage}.{nameof(SqlConnection.OpenAsync)}();");
            writer.Write($"var {Transaction.Usage} = {_connection.Usage}.{nameof(SqlConnection.BeginTransaction)}();");

            if (_context != null && _isUsingPersistence)
                writer.Write($"await {typeof(SqlServerOutboxExtensions).FullName}.{nameof(SqlServerOutboxExtensions.EnlistInTransaction)}({_context.Usage}, {Transaction.Usage});");

            Next?.GenerateCode(method, writer);

            if (ShouldFlushOutgoingMessages)
                writer.Write($"await {_context.Usage}.{nameof(IMessageContext.SendAllQueuedOutgoingMessages)}();");


        // This is necessary to identify other things that need to 
        // be written into the generated method as dependencies
        // to this Frame
        public override IEnumerable<Variable> FindVariables(IMethodVariables chain)
            _isUsingPersistence = chain.IsUsingSqlServerPersistence();

            _connection = chain.FindVariable(typeof(SqlConnection));
            yield return _connection;

            if (ShouldFlushOutgoingMessages)
                _context = chain.FindVariable(typeof(IMessageContext));
                // Inside of messaging. Not sure how this is gonna work for HTTP yet
                _context = chain.TryFindVariable(typeof(IMessageContext), VariableSource.NotServices);

            if (_context != null) yield return _context;

There’s a little bit of complicated goop around the code generation that’s necessary to allow Lamar to properly order the steps in the code generation, but the code generation itself is just writing C# code out — and the new C# string interpolation (finally) makes that pretty approachable in my opinion, especially compared to having to use .Net Expressions or emitting IL.


More Information

I wrote a blog post earlier this year called Jasper’s Roslyn-Powered “Special Sauce” that laid out some of the same arguments.

Using Roslyn for Runtime Code Generation in Marten presented an early form of the code generation and runtime compilation that ended up in Lamar. We ripped this out of Marten, but it still served as a proof of concept later for Jasper;)

Really, this amounts to what I think is an easier to use form of Aspect Oriented Programming.

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