Marten 2.10.0 and 3.0.0-alpha-2 are released.

The latest set of changes to Marten were just published as Marten 2.10.0 and Marten 3.0.0-alpha-2, with the only real difference being that the 3.0 alpha supports Npgsql 4. The complete list of changes is here. The latest docs have also been published. I counted 15 users total (not including me) in this release as either contributors or just folks who took the time to write up an actionable bug report (and don’t minimize the importance of that because it helps a ton). Thank you to all the Marten contributors and all the folks who answer questions in the Gitter room.

Do note that I quietly and unilaterally exercised my rights as the project’s benevolent dictator to finally remove Marten’s targeting for Netstandard1.* as it was annoying the crap out of me and I didn’t think many folks would care. As of 2.10.0, Marten targets net46 and netstandard2.0.

I hope that more serious work on the 3.0 release starts up again soon, but we’ll see.

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