Unit Tests for Expected Exceptions

I generally write code for tools or libraries used by other developers instead of business facing features, so I frequently come up on the need to communicate invalid operations, incorrect configuration assertions, or just provide more contextual information about failures to those other developers. In these cases where the exception logic is important, I will write unit tests against the code that should be throwing an exception in certain cases.

When you test expected exception flow, you need to do these things:

  1. Set up the expected failure case that should result in the exception (Duh.)
  2. Call the code that should be throwing an exception
  3. Assert that an exception was thrown, and it was the expected type of exception. This is an important point because doing this naively can result in false positive test results.
  4. Potentially make additional assertions against the message or other details of the thrown exception

I generally use Shouldly in my project work for test assertions, and it comes with a mechanism for testing expected exceptions. Using an example from Marten’s Linq support, we needed to tell users when they were using an unsupported .Net type in their Linq query with a more useful exception, so we have this test case for that exception workflow:

        public void get_a_descriptive_exception_message()
            var ex = Should.Throw<BadLinqExpressionException>(() =>
                // This action is executed by Shouldly inside
                // a try/catch block that asserts on the expected
                // exception
                    .Where(x => x.CustomObject == new CustomObject())

            ex.Message.ShouldBe("Marten cannot support custom value types in Linq expression. Please query on either simple properties of the value type, or register a custom IFieldSource for this value type.");

That’s using Shouldly, but Fluent Assertions has a very similar mechanism. My strong recommendation is that you use one of these two libraries anytime you are testing expected exception flow because it’s repetitive ceremony to test the expected exception flow with raw try/catch blocks and also easy to forget to even assert that an exception was thrown.

Actually, I’d go farther and recommend you pretty well always use either Shouldly (my preference) or Fluent Assertions (bigger, and more popular in general) in your testing projects. I think these libraries do a lot to make tests easier to read, quicker to write, and frequently easier to troubleshoot failing tests as well.

Lastly, if you want to understand what the Shouldly Should.Throw<TException>(Action) method is really doing, here’s an older extension method I used in projects before Shouldly was around that does effectively the same thing (the usage is `Exception<T>.ShouldBeThrownBy(Action)`):

    public static class Exception<T> where T : Exception
        public static T ShouldBeThrownBy(Action action)
            T exception = null;

            catch (Exception e)
                exception = e.ShouldBeOfType<T>();

            // This is important, we need to protect against false
            // positive results by asserting that no exception was
            // thrown at the expected time and cause this test to fail
            exception.ShouldNotBeNull("An exception was expected, but not thrown by the given action.");

            return exception;

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