Wolverine 0.9.13: Contextual Logging and More

We’re dogfooding Wolverine at work and the Critter Stack Discord is pretty active right now. All of that means that issues and opportunities to improve Wolverine are coming in fast right now. I just pushed Wolverine 0.9.13 (the Nugets are all named “WolverineFx” something because someone is squatting on the “Wolverine” name in Nuget).

First, quick thanks to Robin Arrowsmith for finding and fixing an issue with Wolverine’s Azure Service Bus support. And a more general thank you to the nascent Wolverine community for being so helpful working with me in Discord to improve Wolverine.

A few folks are reporting various issues with Wolverine handler discovery. To help alleviate whatever those issues turn out to be, Wolverine has a new mechanism to troubleshoot “why is my handler not being found by Wolverine?!?” issues.

We’re converting a service at work that lives within a giant distributed system that’s using NServiceBus for messaging today, so weirdly enough, there’s some important improvements for Wolverine’s interoperability with NServiceBus.

This will be worth a full blog post soon, but there’s some ability to add contextual logging about your domain (account numbers, tenants, product numbers, etc.) to Wolverine’s open telemetry and/or logging support. My personal goal here is to have all the necessary and valuable correlation between system activity, performance, and logged problems without forcing the development team to write repetitive code throughout their message handler code.

And one massive bug fix for how Wolverine generates runtime code in conjunction with your IoC service registrations for objects created by Wolverine itself. That’s a huge amount of technical mumbo jumbo that amounts to “even though Jeremy really doesn’t approve, you can inject Marten IDocumentSession or EF Core DbContext objects into repository classes while still using Wolverine transactional middleware and outbox support.” See this issue for more context. It’s a hugely important fix for folks who choose to use Wolverine with a typical, .NET Onion/Clean architecture with lots of constructor injection, repository wrappers, and making the garbage collection work like crazy at runtime.

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