How I started in software development

A very rare Friday blog post, but don’t worry, I didn’t exert too much energy on it.

TL;DR: I was lucky as hell, but maybe prepared well enough that I was able to seize the opportunities that did fall in my lap later

I never had a computer at home growing up, and I frankly get a little bit exasperated at developers of my generation bragging about the earliest programming language and computer they learned on as they often seem unaware of how privileged they were back in the day when home computers were far more expensive than they are now. Needless to say, no kind of computer science or MIS degree was even remotely on my radar when I started college back in the fall of ’92. I did at least start with a 386 knockoff my uncle had given me for graduation, and that certainly helped.

Based partially on the advice of one of my football coaches, I picked Mechanical Engineering for my degree right off the bat, then never really considered any kind of alternatives the rest of the way. Looking back, I can clearly recognize that my favorite course work in college was anytime we dipped into using Matlab (a very easy to use mathematics scripting language if you’ve never bumped into it) for our coursework (Fortran though, not so much).

I don’t remember how this came about, but my first engineering lead gave me a couple weeks one time to try to automate some kind of calculations we frequently did with custom Matlab scripts, which just gave me the bug to want to do that more than our actual engineering work — which was often just a ton of paperwork to satisfy formal processes. My next programming trick was playing with Office VBA to automate the creation of some of those engineering documents instead of retyping information that was already in Excel or Access into Word documents.

This was also about the time the software industry had its first .com boom and right before the first really bad bust, so a lot of us younger engineers were flirting with moving into software as an alternative. My next big step was right into what I’d now call “Shadow IT” after I purchased some early version of this book:

I devoured that book, and used MS Access to generate ASP views based on database tables and views that I reverse engineered to “learn” how to code. Using a combination of MS Access, Office VBA, and ASP “Classic”, I built a system for my engineering team to automate quite a bit of our documentation and inventory order creation that was actually halfway successful.

I think that work got the attention of our real IT organization, and I got picked up to work in project automation right at the magical time when the engineering and construction industry was moving from paper drafting and isolated software systems into connected systems with integration work. That was such a cool time because there was so much low hanging fruit and the time between kicking around an idea in a meeting and actually coding it up was pretty short. I was still primarily working with the old Microsoft DNA technologies plus Oracle databases.

While doing this, I took some formal classes at night to try to get the old Microsoft MCSD certification (I never finished that) where I added VB6 and Sql Server to my repertoire.

My next big break was moving to Austin in 2000 to work for a certain large computer manufacturer. I came in right as a big consulting company was finishing up a big initiative around supply chain automation that didn’t really turn out the way everybody wanted. I don’t remember doing too much at first (a little Perl of all things), but I was taking a lot of notes about how I’d try to rebuild one of the failing systems from that initiative — mostly as a learning experience for myself.

I think I’d managed to have a decent relationship with the part of the business folks who were in charge of automation strategy, and at the point where they were beside themselves with frustration about the current state of things, I happened to have a new approach ready to go. In an almost parting of the Red Sea kind of effect, the business and my management let me run on a proof of concept rewrite. For the first and only time in my career, I had almost unlimited collaboration with the business domain experts, and got the basics in place fast and sold them on the direction. From there, my management at the time did an amazing job of organizing a team around that initiative and fighting off all the other competing groups in our department that tried to crash the party (I didn’t really learn to appreciate what my leadership did to enable me until years later, but I certainly do now).

Long story short, the project was a big success in terms of business value (the code itself was built on old Windows DNA technology, some Java, Oracle and was unnecessarily complicated in a way that I’d call it completely unacceptable now). I never quite reached that level of success there again, but did get bumped up in title to an “architect” role before I left for a real software consultancy.

I also at least started working with very early .NET for a big proof of concept that never got off the ground, and that helped launch me into my next job with ThoughtWorks where I got my first grounding in Agile software development and more disciplined ways of building systems.

Some time soon, there’ll be an episode up of the Azure DevOps podcast that Jeffrey Palermo and I recorded recently. Jeffrey asked me something to the effect of what my formative experiences were that set me on my career path. I told him that my real acceleration into being a “real” software developer was my brief time at ThoughtWorks during some of the heady eXtreme Programming (XP) days (before Scrum ruined Agile development). That’s where I was at when I started and first published StructureMap that lasted for almost 15 years of active development. I think the OSS work has helped (and also hurt) my career path. I probably derived much more career benefit from writing technical content for the now defunct website where I learned to communicate ideas better and participated in the early marriage of Agile software practices and .NET technologies.

Anyway, that’s how I managed to get started. Looking back, I’d just say that it’s all about making the best of your early work situations to learn so that you can seize the day when opportunities come later. It’d probably also help if you were way better at networking than I was in my early career too though, but I don’t have any real advice on that one:-)

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