Wolverine Expands its Multi-Tenancy Story to HTTP

As folks read more about Wolverine and its multi-tenancy support, you may quickly notice that we’ve clearly focused much more on the Marten integration than we have with EF Core so far. You’ll also notice that Wolverine today does not yet have direct support for Finbuckle. At some point in the future I think that Wolverine will provide some Finbuckle integration into Wolverine’s runtime model and will probably use Finbuckle’s EF Core support to provide end to end multi-tenancy with EF Core. For right now though, I think that Marten actually has a much stronger story out of the box for multi-tenancy than EF Core does anyway.

Let’s say that you’re tasked with building an online SaaS solution where the same application service is going to be used by completely different sets of users from different client organizations. It’s going to be important to segregate data between these different client organizations so the various users for each client are only viewing and modifying data for their organization. Maybe you have to go all the way to creating a separate database for each client organization or “tenant,” or maybe you’re using programmatic ways to keep data segregated through your persistence tooling’s capabilities like Marten’s “conjoined tenancy” model. Having one shared system being able to serve different populations of users while keeping all their data correctly segregated is referred to generally as “multi-tenancy” in the software development world.

As an example, let’s consider the sample MultiTenantedTodoService project from the Wolverine codebase. That project is utilizing Marten with a database per tenant strategy using this project configuration for Marten:

var connectionString = "Host=localhost;Port=5433;Database=postgres;Username=postgres;password=postgres";

// Adding Marten for persistence
builder.Services.AddMarten(m =>
        // With multi-tenancy through a database per tenant
        m.MultiTenantedDatabases(tenancy =>
            // You would probably be pulling the connection strings out of configuration,
            // but it's late in the afternoon and I'm being lazy building out this sample!
            tenancy.AddSingleTenantDatabase("Host=localhost;Port=5433;Database=tenant1;Username=postgres;password=postgres", "tenant1");
            tenancy.AddSingleTenantDatabase("Host=localhost;Port=5433;Database=tenant2;Username=postgres;password=postgres", "tenant2");
            tenancy.AddSingleTenantDatabase("Host=localhost;Port=5433;Database=tenant3;Username=postgres;password=postgres", "tenant3");
        m.DatabaseSchemaName = "mttodo";

Wolverine has had a strong story for multi-tenancy solutions within its message handling since its 1.0 release this summer (more on that later). I’m not showing this capability in this post, but Wolverine (with Marten) is able to create and use separate transactional outbox functionality for each and every separate tenant database. To the best of my knowledge, Wolverine is the only tool in the .NET world with that capability.

What had been missing had been direct support within Wolverine.HTTP handlers meaning that designing a simple HTTP endpoint that created a new Todo meant building an HTTP endpoint that picked out the tenant id from the route like so:

    public static async Task<IResult> Create(string tenant, CreateTodo command, IMessageBus bus)
        // At the 1.0 release, you would have to use Wolverine as a mediator
        // to get the full multi-tenancy feature set.
        // That hopefully changes in 1.1
        var created = await bus.InvokeForTenantAsync<TodoCreated>(tenant, command);

        return Results.Created($"/todoitems/{tenant}/{created.Id}", created);

and immediately delegated to an inner Wolverine message handler through the InvokeForTenantAsync() usage shown up above. That handler code is simpler because Wolverine is handling all the multi-tenancy mechanics and looked like this:

    public static TodoCreated Handle(CreateTodo command, IDocumentSession session)
        var todo = new Todo { Name = command.Name };

        return new TodoCreated(todo.Id);

Alright, not too awful, and very reminiscent of systems that use the MediatR library within MVC Core controllers. However, it’s more moving parts and more code ceremony than I was hoping for out of Wolverine.

Likewise, to create a GET endpoint that returns all the completed Todo documents for the current tenant, maybe you did something like this that explicitly opened a Marten session for the tenant id detected from the request:

    public static Task<IReadOnlyList<Todo>> GetComplete(string tenant, IDocumentStore store)
        using var session = store.QuerySession(tenant);
        return session.Query<Todo>().Where(x => x.IsComplete).ToListAsync();

Again, not too much code, but there’s some repetitive code around opening the right session for the right tenant that would be easy for a developer to forget and maybe possible to sneak by testing some times. Also, I had to explicitly dispose the Marten query session — and failing to do so can easily lead to orphaned database connections and all kinds of hurting within your system at runtime. Don’t laugh or blow that off, because that’s happened to the unwary.

Enter Wolverine 1.7.0 on this past Friday. Now Wolverine.HTTP got stretched to include tenant id detection and “know” how to pass that tenant id along to the Marten sessions created within HTTP endpoints.

With Wolverine.HTTP 1.7, I opened the MultiTenantedTodoService Program file again and added this configuration:

// Let's add in Wolverine HTTP endpoints to the routing tree
app.MapWolverineEndpoints(opts =>
    // Letting Wolverine HTTP automatically detect the tenant id!
    // Assert that the tenant id was successfully detected,
    // or pull the rip cord on the request and return a 
    // 400 w/ ProblemDetails

Using Wolverine.HTTP’s new tenant id detection capability, I’ve told Wolverine to pluck the tenant id out of an expected route argument named “tenant.” With its Marten integration, Wolverine is able to pass sessions into our HTTP endpoint methods that point to the correct tenant database.

Don’t worry, there are plenty of other options for tenant id detection than this simple mechanism I used for testing and the simple demonstration here.

Revisiting the endpoint for fetching all the completed Todo documents for a client, that code reduces down to this:

    public static Task<IReadOnlyList<Todo>> GetComplete(IQuerySession session) 
        => session
            .Where(x => x.IsComplete)

Better yet, let’s revisit the endpoint for creating a new Todo and we’re now able to collapse this down to just a single endpoint method:

    public static CreationResponse<TodoCreated> Create(
        // Only need this to express the location of the newly created
        // Todo object
        string tenant, 
        CreateTodo command, 
        IDocumentSession session)
        var todo = new Todo { Name = command.Name };
        // Marten itself sets the Todo.Id identity
        // in this call

        // New syntax in Wolverine.HTTP 1.7
        // Helps Wolverine 
        return CreationResponse.For(new TodoCreated(todo.Id), $"/todoitems/{tenant}/{todo.Id}");

Notice that we really didn’t do anything with the tenant argument except as a helper to build the Url for a newly created Todo. Wolverine & Marten together took care of everything else for us creating the correct session for the correct tenant database.


The new Wolverine.HTTP multi-tenancy capability is going to allow users to write simpler code and less error prone code for teams needing multi-tenanted persistence.

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