Wolverine now does Event Streaming with Kafka or MQTT

As part of an ongoing JasperFx client engagement, Wolverine (1.9.0) just added some new options for event streaming from Wolverine applications. The immediate need was to support messaging with the MQTT protocol for usage inside of a new system in the “Internet of Things” problem space. Knowing that a different JasperFx client is going to need to support event subscriptions with Apache Kafka, it was also convenient to finally add the much requested option for Kafka support within Wolverine while the similar MQTT work was still fresh in my mind.

While the new MQTT transport option is documented, the Kafka transport documentation is still on the way, so I’m going to focus on that first.

To get started with Kafka within a Wolverine application, add the WolverineFx.Kafka Nuget to your project. Next, add the Kafka transport option, any messaging subscription rules, and the topics you want your application to listen to with code like this:

using var host = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
    .UseWolverine(opts =>

        // Just publish all messages to Kafka topics
        // based on the message type (or message attributes)
        // This will get fancier in the near future
        // Or explicitly make subscription rules
        // Listen to topics


        // This will direct Wolverine to try to ensure that all
        // referenced Kafka topics exist at application start up 
        // time

I’m very sure that these two transports (and shortly a third option for Apache Pulsar) will need to be enhanced when they meet real users and unexpected use cases, but I think there’s a solid foundation ready to go.

In the near future, JasperFx Software will be ready to start offering official support contracts and relationships for both Marten and Wolverine. In the slightly longer term, we’re hoping to create some paid add on products (with support!) for Wolverine for “big, serious enterprise usage.” One of the first use cases I’d like us to tackle with that initiative will be a more robust event subscription capability from Marten’s event sourcing through Wolverine’s messaging capabilities. Adding options especially for Kafka messaging and also for MQTT, Pulsar, and maybe SignalR is an obvious foundational piece to make that a reality.

One thought on “Wolverine now does Event Streaming with Kafka or MQTT

  1. WOW!.. just wow… I have been hoping for kafka support for some time.. you read my mind… now wolverine is perfect for my usage!

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