Low Ceremony Web Service Development with the Critter Stack

You can’t really get Midjourney to create an image of a wolverine without veering into trademark violations, so look at the weasel and marten up there working on a website application together!

Wolverine 1.10 was released earlier this week (here’s the release notes), and one of the big additions this time around was some new recipes for combining Marten and Wolverine for very low ceremony web service development.

Before I show the new functionality, let’s imagine that you have a simple web service for invoicing where you’re using Marten as a document database for persistence. You might have a very simplistic web service for exposing a single Invoice like this (and yes, I know you’d probably want to do some kind of transformation to a view model but put that aside for a moment):

    [ProducesResponseType(200, Type = typeof(Invoice))]
    public static async Task<IResult> GetInvoice(
        Guid id, 
        IQuerySession session, 
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var invoice = await session.LoadAsync<Invoice>(id, cancellationToken);
        if (invoice == null) return Results.NotFound();

        return Results.Ok(invoice);

It’s not that much code, but there’s still some repetitive boilerplate code. Especially if you’re going to care or be completist about your OpenAPI metadata. The design and usability aesthetic of Wolverine is to reduce code ceremony as much as possible without sacrificing performance or observability, so let’s look at a newer alternative.

Next, I’m going to install the new WolverineFx.Http.Marten Nuget to our web service project, and write this new endpoint using the [Document] attribute:

    public static Invoice Get([Document] Invoice invoice)
        return invoice;

The code up above is an exact functional equivalent to the first code sample, and even produces the exact same OpenAPI metadata (or at least tries to, OpenAPI has been a huge bugaboo for Wolverine because so much of the support inside of AspNetCore is hard wired for MVC Core). Notice though, how much less you have to do. You have a synchronous method, so that’s a little less ceremony. It’s a pure function, so even if there was code to transform the invoice data to an API specific shape, you could unit test this method without any infrastructure involved or using something like Alba. Heck, that is setting you up so that Wolverine itself is handling the “return 404 if the Invoice is not found” behavior as shown in the unit test from Wolverine itself (using Alba):

    public async Task returns_404_on_id_miss()
        // Using Alba to run a request for a non-existent
        // Invoice document
        await Scenario(x =>
            x.Get.Url("/invoices/" + Guid.NewGuid());

Simple enough, but now let’s look at a new HTTP-centric mechanism for the Wolverine + Marten “Aggregate Handler” workflow for writing CQRS “Write” handlers using Marten’s event sourcing. You might want to glance at the previous link for more context before proceeding, or refer back to it later at least.

The main change here is that folks asked to provide the aggregate identity through a route parameter, and then to enforce a 404 response code if the aggregate does not exist.

Using an “Order Management” problem domain, here’s what an endpoint method to ship an existing order could look like:

    [WolverinePost("/orders/{orderId}/ship2"), EmptyResponse]
    // The OrderShipped return value is treated as an event being posted
    // to a Marten even stream
    // instead of as the HTTP response body because of the presence of 
    // the [EmptyResponse] attribute
    public static OrderShipped Ship(ShipOrder2 command, [Aggregate] Order order)
        if (order.HasShipped) 
            throw new InvalidOperationException("This has already shipped!");
        return new OrderShipped();

Notice the new [Aggregate] attribute on the Order argument. At runtime, this code is going to:

  1. Take the “orderId” route argument, parse that to a Guid (because that’s the identity type for an Order)
  2. Use that identity — and any version information on the request body or a “version” route argument — to use Marten’s FetchForWriting() mechanism to both load the latest version of the Order aggregate and to opt into optimistic concurrency protections against that event stream.
  3. Return a 404 response if the aggregate does not already exist
  4. Pass the Order aggregate into the actual endpoint method
  5. Take the OrderShipped event returned from the method, and apply that to the Marten event stream for the order
  6. Commit the Marten unit of work

As always, the goal of this workflow is to turn Wolverine endpoint methods into low ceremony, synchronous pure functions that are easily testable with unit tests.

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