It’s Critter Stack “Release on Friday” Party!

Hey, did you know that JasperFx Software is ready for formal support plans for Marten and Wolverine? Not only are we trying to make the “Critter Stack” tools be viable long term options for your shop, we’re also interested in hearing your opinions about the tools and how they should change. We’re also certainly open to help you succeed with your software development projects on a consulting basis whether you’re using any part of the Critter Stack or any other .NET server side tooling.

A lot of pull requests and bug fixes just happened to land today for both Marten and Wolverine. In order, we’ve got:

Marten 7.0.0 Beta 5

Marten 7.0.0 Beta 5 is actually quite a big release and a major step forward on the road to the final V7 release. Besides some bug fixes, I think the big highlights are:

  • Marten finally gets the long awaited “Partial Update” model that only depends on native PosgreSQL features! Huge addition from Babu. If you’re coming to Marten from MongoDb, or only would if Marten had the ability to modify documents without first having to load the whole thing, well now you can! No PLv8 extension necessary!
  • We pushed through a new low level execution model that’s more parsimonious about how long database connections are kept open that should help applications using Marten scale to more concurrent transactions. This should also help folks using Marten in conjunction with Hot Chocolate as now IQuerySession could be used in multiple threads in parallel.
  • Marten now uses Polly internally for retries on transient errors, and the “retry” functionality actually works now (it didn’t actually do anything useful before, as I shamefully refuse to make eye contact with you).
  • Several fixes around full text indexes that were blocking some folks

Wolverine 1.16.0

Wolverine 1.16.0 came out today with a couple additions and fixes related to MQTT or Rabbit MQ message publishing to topics. As an example, here’s some new functionality with Rabbit MQ message publishing:

You can specify publishing rules for messages by supplying the logic to determine the topic name from the message itself. Let’s say that we have an interface that several of our message types implement like so:

public interface ITenantMessage
    string TenantId { get; }

Let’s say that any message that implements that interface, we want published to the topic for that messages TenantId. We can implement that rule like so:

using var host = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
    .UseWolverine((context, opts) =>

        // Publish any message that implements ITenantMessage to 
        // a Rabbit MQ "Topic" exchange named "tenant.messages"
        opts.PublishMessagesToRabbitMqExchange<ITenantMessage>("tenant.messages",m => $"{m.GetType().Name.ToLower()}/{m.TenantId}")
            // Specify or configure sending through Wolverine for all
            // messages through this Exchange

Wolverine 2.0 Alpha 1

Knock on wood, if the GitHub Action & Nuget gods all agree, there will be a Wolverine 2.0 alpha 1 set of Nugets available that’s just Wolverine 1.16, but targeting the very latest Marten 7 betas as somebody asks me just about every single day when that’s going to be ready.

Enjoy! And don’t tell me about any problems with these releases until Monday!


I had a very off week as I struggled with a cold, a busy personal life, and way more Zoom meetings than I normally have. All the same, getting to spit out these three releases today makes me feel like Bill Murray here:

And again, new bug reports can wait for Monday!

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