Answering Some Concerns about Wolverine

Nick Chapsas just released a video about Wolverine with his introduction and take on the framework. Not to take anything away from the video that was mostly positive, but I thought there were quite a few misconceptions about Wolverine evident in the comments and some complaints I would like to address so I can stop fussing about this and work on much more important things.

First off, what is Wolverine? Wolverine is a full blown application framework and definitely not merely a “library,” so maybe consider that when you are judging the merits of its opinions or not. More specifically, Wolverine is a framework built around the idea of message processing where “messages” could be coming from inline invocation like MediatR or local in process queues or external message brokers through asynchronous messaging ala the much older MassTransit or NServiceBus frameworks. In addition, Wolverine’s basic runtime pipeline has also been adapted into an alternative HTTP endpoint framework that could be used in place of or as a complement to MVC Core or Minimal API.

I should also point out that Wolverine was largely rescued off the scrap heap and completely rebooted specifically to work in conjunction with Marten as a full blow event driven architecture stack. This is what we mean when we say “Critter Stack.”

In its usage, Wolverine varies quite a bit from the older messaging and mediator tools out there like NServiceBus, MassTransit, MediatR, Rebus, or Brighter.

Basically all of these existing tools one way or another force you to constrain your code within some kind of “IHandler of T” abstraction something like this:

public interface IHandler<T>
    Task HandleAsync(T message, MessageContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken);

By and large, these frameworks assume that you will be using an IoC container to fill any dependencies of the actual message handler classes through constructor injection. Part of the video I linked to was the idea that Wolverine was very opinionated, so let’s just get to that and see how Wolverine very much differs from all the older “IHandler of T” frameworks out there.

Wolverine’s guiding philosophies are to:

  • Reduce code ceremony and minimize coupling between application code and the surrounding framework. As much as possible — and it’s an imperfect world so the word is “minimize” and not “eliminate” — Wolverine attempts to minimize the amount of code cruft from required inheritance, marker interfaces, and attribute usage within your application code. Wolverine’s value proposition is that lower ceremony code leads to easier to read code that offsets any disadvantages that might arise from using conventional approaches
  • Promote testability — both by helping developers structure code in such a way that they can keep infrastructure concerns out of business logic for easy unit testing and to facilitate effective automated integration testing as well. I’ll throw this stake in the ground right now, Wolverine does much more to promote testability than any other comparable framework that I’m aware of, and I don’t mean just .NET frameworks either (Proverbs 16:18 might be relevant here, but shhh).
  • “It should just work” — meaning that as much as possible, Wolverine should try to set up infrastructural state (database schemas, message broker configuration, etc.) that your application depends on for an efficient developer experience
  • Provide effective diagnostics for any “magic” in the framework. See Unraveling the Magic in Wolverine to see what I mean.
  • Bake in logging, auditing, and observability so that developers don’t have to think about it. This is partially driven by the desire for low code ceremony because nothing is more repetitive in systems than copy/paste log statements every which way
  • Be as performant as possible. Wolverine is descended and influenced by an earlier failed OSS project called FubuMVC that strived for very low code ceremony and testability, but flunked on performance and how it handled “magic” conventions. Let’s just say that failure is a harsh but effective teacher. In particular, Wolverine tries really damn hard to reduce the number of object allocations and dictionary lookups at runtime as those are usually the main culprits of poor performance in application frameworks. I fully believe that before everything is said and done, that Wolverine will be able to beat the other tools in this space because of its unique runtime architecture.

A Wolverine message handler might look something like this from one of our samples in the docs that happens to use EF Core for persistence:

public static class CreateItemCommandHandler
    public static ItemCreated Handle(
        // This would be the message
        CreateItemCommand command,

        // Any other arguments are assumed
        // to be service dependencies
        ItemsDbContext db)
        // Create a new Item entity
        var item = new Item
            Name = command.Name

        // Add the item to the current
        // DbContext unit of work

        // This event being returned
        // by the handler will be automatically sent
        // out as a "cascading" message
        return new ItemCreated
            Id = item.Id

There’s a couple things I’d ask you to notice right off the bat that will probably help inform you if you’d like Wolverine’s approach or not:

There’s no required IHandler<T> type interface. Nor do we require any kind of IMessage/IEvent/ICommand interface on the message type itself

The method signatures of Wolverine message handlers are pretty flexible. Wolverine can do “method injection” like .NET developers are used to now in Minimal API or the very latest MVC Core where services from the IoC container are pushed into the handler methods via method parameters (Wolverine will happily do constructor injection just like you would in other frameworks as well). Moreover, Wolverine can even do different things with the handler responses like “know” that it’s a separate message to publish via Wolverine or a “side effect” that should be executed inline. Heck, the message handlers can even be static classes or methods to micro-optimize your code to be as low allocation as possible.

Wolverine is not doing any kind of runtime Reflection against these handler methods, because as a commenter pointed out, this would indeed be very slow. Instead, Wolverine is generating and compiling C# code at runtime that wraps around your method. Going farther, Wolverine will use your application’s DI configuration code and try to generate code that completely takes the place of your DI container at runtime. Some folks complain that Wolverine forces you to use Lamar as the DI container for your application, but doing so enabled Wolverine to do the codegen the way that it is. Nick pushed back on that by asking what if the built in DI container becomes much faster than Lamar (it’s the other way around btw)? I responded by pointing out that the fasted DI container is “no DI container” like Wolverine is able to do at runtime.

The message handlers are found by default through naming conventions. But if you hate that, no worries, there are options to use much more explicit approaches. Out of the box, Wolverine also supports discovery using marker interfaces or attributes. I don’t personally like that because I think it “junks up the code”, but if you do, you can have it your way.

The handler code above was written with the assumption that it’s using automatic transactional middleware around it all that handles the asynchronous code invocation, but if you prefer explicit code, Wolverine happily lets you eschew any of the conventional magic and write explicit code where you would be completely in charge of all the EF Core usage. The importance of being able to immediately bypass any conventions and drop into explicit code as needed was an important takeaway from my earlier FubuMVC failure.

    Various Objections to Wolverine

    • It’s opinionated, and I don’t agree with all of Wolverine’s opinions. This one is perfectly valid. If you don’t agree with the idiomatic approach of a software development tool, you’re far better off to just pick something else instead of fighting with the tool and trying to use it differently than its idiomatic usage. That goes for every tool, not just Wolverine. If you’d be unhappy using Wolverine and likely to gripe about it online, I’d much rather you go use MassTransit.
    • Runtime reflection usage? As I said earlier, Wolverine does not use reflection at runtime to interact with the message handlers or HTTP endpoint methods
    • Lamar is required as your IoC tool. I get the objection to that, and other people have griped about that from time to time. I’d say that the integration with Lamar enables some of the very important “special sauce” that makes Wolverine different. I will also say that at some point in the future we’ll investigate being able to at least utilize Wolverine with the built in .NET DI container instead
    • Oakton is a hard dependency, and why is Wolverine mandating console usage? Yeah, I get that objection, but I think that’s very unlikely to ever really matter much. You don’t have to use Oakton even though it’s there, but Wolverine (and Marten) both heavily utilize Oakton for command line diagnostics that can do a lot for infrastructure management, environment checks, code generation, database migrations, and important diagnostics that help users unravel and understand Wolverine’s “magic”. We could have made that all be separate adapter package or add ons, but from painful experience, I know that the complexity of usage and development of something like Wolverine goes up quite a bit with the number of satellite packages you use and require — and that’s already an issue even so with Wolverine. I did foresee the Lamar & Oakton objections, but consciously decided that Wolverine development and adoption would be easier — especially early on — by just bundling things together. I’d be willing to reconsider this in later versions, but it’s just not up there in ye olde priority list
    • There are “TODO” comments scattered in the documentation website! There’s a lot of documentation up right now, and also quite a few samples. That work is never, ever done and we’ll be improving those docs as we go. The one thing I can tell you definitively about technical documentation websites is that it’s never good enough for everyone.

    5 thoughts on “Answering Some Concerns about Wolverine

    1. I started using Wolverine because I needed outboxing, but I found that the low code ceremony is the greatest benefit it brings.

    2. It’s hard to give up on old habits, so the objection of “oh they probably use reflection for that magic, so it is slow by definition” will live on for a long time, unfortunately.

    3. This is very cool. I’m currently using MassTransit and SQL Server for a large project at work, but I really wish I had the time to refactor it to use Wolverine and Marten. Not that there’s anything wrong with MassTransit or SQL Server, they’re both excellent, but Marten would have been a much better choice for our data storage requirements and the integration with Wolverine has a nice feel to it.

      I guess I’ll have to come up with a side project to use them with.

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