Marten 7.0 is Released!

Marten 7.0 is released to the wild as of right now! Before getting into the highlights of what’s improved in this release, let’s go right to thanking some of the folks who made big contributions to this release either through code, testing, or feedback:

  • Oskar Dudycz and Babu Annamalai for being part of the core Marten team for most of its life
  • JT for all his feedback on the event sourcing feature set and being an early tester for us on the new LINQ support
  • Anne Erdtsieck for a slew of contributions both to Marten and the related Wolverine integration
  • Ben Edwards for advising us on event sourcing changes
  • Günther Foidl for making several suggestions on Marten’s execution pipeline, Npgsql usage, and for reviewing several very details pull requests
  • Mateusz Nowak for adding health checks to our asynchronous projection daemon
  • Zyrrio for sponsoring Marten!
  • Vedran Zakanj for sponsoring Marten and also contributing ideas around schema management
  • And a huge thanks to Lucas Wyland for specifically sponsoring the improved LINQ provider work with an equally huge apology from me on how long that took to finish

And to many more community members who helped improve Marten throughout this very long release cycle.


This was a huge release, if not nearly as disruptive as Marten 4 was several years ago. I do not anticipate a lot of issues for users upgrading from Marten 6 to Marten 7, but see the migration guide for more details.

The highlights of Marten 7 are:

  • The LINQ query support was given a large overhaul that both expanded its supported use cases and led to significantly improved performance of many common sub collection queries — which has been a large complaint and request for improvement from the Marten community for several years
  • A “Partial” document update capability using native PostgreSQL functionality with no JavaScript in sight! That’s been a long requested capability.
  • The very basic database execution pipeline underneath Marten was largely rewritten to be far more parsimonious with how it uses database connections and to take advantage of more efficient Npgsql usage. We think these changes will make Marten both more efficient overall (these changes reduced the number of object allocations by quite a bit) and help system health through using fewer database connections
  • We introduced Polly for resiliency to transient errors like network hiccups or a temporarily overloaded database and actually made Marten able to properly execute retries of database writes and database reads
  • The “async daemon” subsystem was somewhat rewritten with substantial improvements for application scalability. The asynchronous projection support also has an all new scheme for resiliency that we think will be a big improvement for our users
  • An option to utilize Marten’s recommended FetchForWriting() API for “write model” aggregation with asynchronous projections. This may sound like a lot of mumbo jumbo, but it’s vital because this enables the next bullet point
  • The ability to do zero downtime deployments of some projection changes as well as to do blue/green deployments of revisioned projections. Much more on this later this week.
  • A new alternative for “revisioned” documents with a numeric version as an alternative to Marten’s existing GUID based versioning scheme for optimistic concurrency
  • We’ll see how big of a deal this turns out to be, but Marten 7 enables the usage of Project Aspire with Marten
  • Improved support for dynamically adding new tenant databases within Marten’s multi-tenancy support

As time permits, I will be writing deep dive blog posts on each of the individual bullet points above over the next couple weeks — partially as a way to force the completion of some not perfectly updated documentation!

You can Place a Technical Bet on Marten

There’s frequently an understandable hesitation on the part of software shops to take a bet on an open source tool as a critical piece of their technical infrastructure — and that’s sometimes worse in the .NET ecosystem where OSS adoption isn’t as widespread. All that aside, I’m here to tell you that you can feel safe making a large technical bet on Marten because:

  • Marten is already a very mature project that has been in production usage since its 1.0 release in 2016
  • While Marten doesn’t have every single issue around production support, deployments, and schema management fixed yet, we’ve got a detailed roadmap to shore up any remaining weaknesses of the tool and we’re in this for the long haul!
  • PostgreSQL itself is a very successful open source project that continuously innovates and provides a very solid technical foundation for Marten itself
  • Marten has a vibrant user community as you can see from the community involvement with GitHub and our Discord chat rooms.
  • We’ve invested a lot of time into refining Marten’s usability over the years and we think that attention to detail shines through
  • JasperFx Software offers support contracts and consulting work for Marten users
  • In conjunction with Wolverine’s integration with Marten, the full “Critter Stack” provides a very efficient and usable stack for Event Driven Architecture using Event Sourcing and a CQRS architecture
  • While Marten 7.0 made some significant improvements for scalability, the forthcoming “Critter Stack Pro” commercial add on tooling will take Marten to much larger data sets and transactional throughput
  • Because Marten does target .NET, it’s worth pointing out that at this point, Microsoft has no technical offerings for Event Sourcing and that will absolutely contribute to Marten’s viability

What’s Next and Summary

A lot of big, important, long requested, long planned features and improvements did not make the cut for V7. I blogged last week about the current roadmap for the entire Critter Stack. Moreover, some open bugs didn’t make it into 7.0 as well. And let’s be honest, there’s going to be a slew of bug reports streaming in this week when folks try out new 7.0 features and encounter usage permutations we didn’t anticipate. I’ve finally learned my lesson and made this release after having gotten some rest to be ready for whatever the issues turn out to be in the morning.

Wolverine 2.0 will also follow shortly, but the roadmap for that is pretty well just upgrading to Marten 7, dumping .NET 6, and fixing some low hanging fruit issues and requests before a release in the next couple days.

We’ll jump on whatever those Marten 7 issues turn out to be and all the questions about “what about *my* use case I don’t see on your list!” starting tomorrow, but for right now, this was a huge release filled with all kinds of substantial improvements that for the first time included significant client sponsored requests and please don’t steal my sunshine!

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