Gutting FubuMVC and Rebooting as “Jasper”

tl;dr – FubuMVC and FubuTransportation (the service bus tooling we built on top of FubuMVC) are getting a full reboot with the name “Jasper” on the new DNX platform. This blog post tries to explain why we’d do such a silly thing and describe our current thinking on the technical direction to start getting some feedback. Just for fun, I’m also describing a lot of functionality that I’ve been ripping out of FubuMVC in preparation for the reboot for folks that are interested in how web development has changed since FubuMVC was conceived in 2008-9.

My wife loves watching all the home remodeling shows on HG TV. One of her favorites is a show called Love it or List It. The premise of the show is a couple that wants to move to a new house gets the opportunity to choose between staying in their old home after it has been remodeled by one of the show’s stars — or decides to sell the now remodeled home in favor of purchasing a different house that the other star of the show finds for them on the market. Last year I said that I was giving up on FubuMVC development when it became clear that it was going nowhere and our community support was almost completely gone.

My shop had some flirtations with other platforms and like many shops we have been supplementing .Net development with Node.js work, but this is our current situation as I see it:

  1. We’ve got a pretty big portfolio of existing FubuMVC-based applications, and the idea of rewriting them to a new platform or even just a different .Net application framework or architecture is daunting
  2. We’re very happy with how the FubuTransportation service bus built on top of FubuMVC has worked out for us in production, but we would like it to be sitting on top of a technical foundation that isn’t “dead” like FubuMVC
  3. We’d love to get to be able to “Docker-ize” our applications and quite possibly move our production hosting and day to day development off of Windows
  4. We’ve got a huge investment and coupling in test automation and diagnostics tooling tied to FubuMVC and FubuTransportation that’s providing value
  5. I think many of us are generally positive about the new .Net tooling (DNX, Roslyn, CoreCLR) — except for the part where they didn’t eliminate strong naming in the new world order:(

Taking those factors into account, we’ve decided to “love it” instead of “leaving it” with what I’ve been calling a “Casino Royale style reboot” of the newly combined FubuMVC and FubuTransportation.

I’m working this week to hopefully finish up an intermediate FubuMVC 3.0 release that largely consolidates the codebase, streamlines the application bootstrapping, improves the diagnostics, and eliminates a whole lot of code and functionality that no longer matters. When we finally make the jump to DNX, FubuMVC/FubuTransportation is going to be rebranded as “Jasper.”



The Vision for Jasper

My personal hopes for Jasper are that we retain the best parts of FubuMVC, dramatically improve the performance and scalability of our applications, and solve the worst of the usability problems that FubuMVC and FubuTransportation have today. I’m also hoping that we end up with a decent foundation of technical documentation just for once. I’m not making any unrealistic goals for adoption beyond having enough community support to be viable.

We’re trying very hard to focus on what we consider to be our core competencies this time instead of trying to build everything ourselves. We’re going to fully embrace OWIN internally as a replacement for FubuMVC’s behavior model. We’re betting big on the future of OWIN servers, middleware, and community — even though I’ve been known to gripe about OWIN on Twitter from time to time. We’re also going to support integration and usage of some subset of ASP.Net MVC from within Jasper applications, with a catch. Some users have asked us to make Jasper an addon to ASP.Net MVC, but my strong opinion is that what we want to do with Jasper won’t work unless Jasper is in control of the middleware composition and routing.

Mainly though, we just need Jasper to provide enough benefits to justify the time we’re going to spend building it on work time;-)

What’s Changing from FubuMVC

  • We’re going to stop using the Routing module from ASP.Net in favor of a new routing engine for OWIN based on the Trie algorithm
  • Dropping support for System.Web altogether. It’s OWIN or nothing baby.
  • Dropping most of the server side rendering support, probably including our Spark view engine support. More on this below.
  • The OWIN AppFunc is going to be the new behavior. We’re keeping the behavior graph model for specifying which middleware goes where, but this time we’re planning to use Roslyn to compile code at runtime for composing all the middleware for a single route or message type into one OWIN AppFunc. We have high hopes that doing this will lead to easier to understand exception stack traces and a significantly more efficient runtime pipeline than the current FubuMVC model. We’ll also support MidFunc, but it won’t be encouraged.
  • Part of adopting OWIN is that we’ll be going async by default in all routes and message handling chains. Users won’t be forced to code this way, but it’s a great way to wring out a lot more scalability and many other .Net tools are already headed in this direction.
  • Jasper needs to be much easier in cases where users need to drop down directly to HTTP manipulation or opt out of the conventional FubuMVC behavior
  • FubuMVC on Mono was an unrewarding time sink. I’m very hopeful that with Jasper and the new cross platform support for .Net that coding on OS X and hosting on Linux will be perfectly viable this time around.


What Jasper is Keeping from FubuMVC

  • One of our taglines from FubuMVC was the “web framework that gets out of your way.” To that end, Jasper should have the least possible intrusion into your application — meaning that we’ll try hard to avoid cluttering up application code with fluent interfaces from the framework, mandatory base classes, marker interfaces, and the copious number of attributes that are all too common in many .Net development tools.
  • Keep FubuMVC’s Russian Doll Model and the “BehaviorGraph” configuration model that we use to compose pipelines of middleware and handlers per route or service bus message
  • Retain the “semantic logging” strategy we use within FubuMVC. I think it’s been very valuable for diagnostics purposes and frequently for testing automation support. The Glimpse guys are considering something similar for ASP.Net MVC that we might switch to later if that looks usable.
  • Continue supporting the built in diagnostics in FubuMVC/FT. These are getting some considerable improvement in the 3.0 release for performance tracking and offline viewing
  • Our current mechanisms for deriving url routes from endpoint actions and the reverse url resolution in FubuMVC today. As far as I know, FubuMVC is the only web framework on any platform that provides reverse url resolution for free without additional work on the user’s part.
  • The “one model in, one model out” architecture for expressing url endpoints — but for Jasper we’re going to support more patterns for cases where the one in, one out signature was annoying
  • The built in conventions that FubuMVC and FubuTransportation support today
  • Jasper will continue to support “meta-conventions” that allow users to create and use their own policies
  • The areas or slices modularity support that we have today with Bottles and FubuMVC, but this has already been simplified to only apply to server side code. Jasper is almost entirely getting out of the client side asset business.
  • Content negotiation, the authorization model, and the lightweight asset support from FubuMVC 2.0 will be optimized somewhat but mostly kept as is.
  • Definitely keep the strong-typed “Settings” pattern for application and framework configuration.



First, gut the existing code

Like I said in the beginning, my wife loves HG TV fix it up shows about remodeling houses. A lot of those episodes invariably include contractors tearing into an old house and finding all kinds of unexpected horrors lurking behind the dry wall and ripping out outdated 70’s shag carpet. Likewise, I’ve spent the last month or so at work ripping a lot of 70’s shag carpet type features and code out of FubuMVC. I’m ostensibly making an intermediate FubuMVC 3.0 release that we’ll use internally at work until next year when Jasper is ready and the dust seems settled enough on DNX, but I’ve also taken advantage of the time to clean as much junk out of the codebase as possible before transforming FubuMVC to Jasper.

The main goal of this release was to consolidate all the FubuMVC related code that is going to survive into Jasper into one single Github repository. As secondary goals, I’ve also streamlined the application bootstrapping, removed about a net of 10k lines of code, and I’ll be working this coming week on performance instrumentation inside FubuMVC’s diagnostics and some of the test automation support.


Consolidate and Simplify the Code Topology

FubuMVC’s ecosystem of add on projects and spun off tooling became massive and spread across about ~75 GitHub repositories at its peak. FubuMVC had — in my obviously biased opinion — a very effective architecture for modularity that led us to get a little too slaphappy with splitting features into separate assemblies and nugets. Doing development across related repositories though turned out to be a huge source of friction for us and no matter how much DNX may or may not improve that experience, we’re never going to try to do that again. In that vein, I’ve spent much of the past several weeks consolidating the codebase into many fewer libraries. Instead of just dropping assemblies into the application to auto-magically add new behavior or features to a FubuMVC application, those features ride with the core library but users need to explicitly opt into those features. I liked the “just drop the assembly file in” plugin abilities, but others prefer the explicit code. I’m not sure I have a strong opinion right now, but fewer repositories, libraries, and nugets definitely makes my life easier as the maintainer.

For previous FubuMVC users, I combined:

  • FubuTransportation, FubuMVC.Authentication, FubuMVC.AntiForgery, FubuMVC.StructureMap, and FubuMVC.Localization into FubuMVC.Core
  • FubuMVC.Diagnostics was combined into FubuMVC.Core as part of the 2.1 release earlier this year
  • FubuPersistence and FubuTransporation.RavenDb were all combined into FubuMVC.RavenDb
  • All the Serenity add ons were collapsed into Serenity itself
  • Some of Bottles was folded into FubuMVC and the rest thrown away. More on that later.


StructureMap Only For Now

FubuMVC, like very many .Net frameworks, had some abstractions to allow the tool to be used with multiple IoC containers. I was never happy with our IoC registration abstraction model, but our biggest problem was that FubuMVC was built primarily against StructureMap and its abilities and assumptions about open generic types, enumerable types, and lifecycle management and that made it very difficult for us to support other IoC containers. In addition to StructureMap, we fully supported Autofac and got *this* close with Windsor — but I’m not aware of anyone using other containers besides StructureMap with FubuMVC in a production application.

As of a couple weeks ago, I demolished the IoC abstractions in favor of just having FubuMVC use StructureMap directly. That change allowed me to throw away a lot of code and unit tests, eliminate a couple assemblies, remove some nontrivial duplication in reflection handling code between StructureMap and FubuMVC, and simplify the application bootstrapping.

In the longer run, if we decide to once again support other IoC containers, my thought is that Jasper itself will use StructureMap’s registration model and we’ll just have that model mapped into whatever the other IoC container is at bootstrapping time. I know we could support Autofac and probably Windsor. Ninject and SimpleInjector are definitely out. I don’t have the slightest clue about a Unity adapter or the other 20 or so .Net IoC tools out there.

The new IoC integration in ASP.Net MVC6 is surprisingly similar to FubuMVC’s original IoC integration in many aspects and I think is very likely to run into the exact same problems that we did in FubuMVC (some of the IoC containers out there aren’t usable with MVC6 as it is and their project maintainers aren’t happy with the ASP.Net team). That’s a subject for another blog post on another day though.


Backing off of Server Side Rendering

I know not everyone is onboard the single page application train, but it’s been very obvious to me over the past 2-3 years that server side html generation is becoming much less important as more teams use tools like Angular.js or React.js to do client side development while using FubuMVC to mostly expose Json over Http endpoints. We had some very powerful features in FubuMVC for server side html generation, but the world has moved on and among others, these features have been removed:

  • Html conventions – FubuMVC supported user-defined conventions for generating forms, labels, editors, and displays based on the signature of view models built around the HtmlTags library. While I think that our html convention support was technically successful, it’s no longer commonly used by our teams and I’ve removed it completely from FubuMVC.Core. Jimmy Bogard has pulled most of the convention support into HtmlTags 3.0 such that you can use the html convention generation in projects that don’t use FubuMVC. I’ve been surprised by how well the new TagHelpers feature in MVC6 has been received by the .Net community. I feel like our old HtmlTags-based conventions were much more capable than TagHelpers, but I still think that the time for that kind of functionality has largely passed.
  • Content extensions — a model we had early on in FubuMVC to insert customer specific markup into existing views without having to change those view files. It was successful, but it’s no longer used and out it goes.





10 thoughts on “Gutting FubuMVC and Rebooting as “Jasper”

  1. Jeremy,

    What do you mean by this?

    “…except for the part where they didn’t eliminate strong naming in the new world order:(”

    I thought strong naming has been eliminated in vNext. I might not have been paying as close attention as you but I remember reading something about it in one of David Fowl’s blog posts.

    1. You most certainly did read David Fowler saying that there would be no strong naming when it was still called “K,” but something happened between then and now and it looks like we’re still stuck w/ strong naming in .Net.

      – Jeremy

  2. This is great news Jeremy.

    I have been away from the project for a while but I did a project with Fubu 2.0 for a client of mine and he loves the way everything works together.
    Despite the fact being several versions behind, I am still able to extend it in crazy ways without losing my sanity.

    I am definitely looking forward to Jasper.

    Best of lucks.

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