Introducing Oakton — Command line parsing minus the usual cruft

As the cool OSS kids would say, “I made another thing.” Oakton is a library that I maintain that I use for command line parsing in the console applications I build and maintain. For those who’ve followed me for a long time, Oakton is an improved version of the command line parsing in FubuCore that now targets Netstandard 1.3 as well as .Net 4.5.1 and 4.6 on the full framework.

What sets Oakton apart from the couple dozen other tools like this in the .Net ecosystem is how it allows you to cleanly separate the command line parsing from your actual command parsing so that you can write cleaner code and more easily test your command execution in automated tests.

Here’s the quick start example from the documentation that’ll have prettier code output. Let’s say you just want a command that will print out a name with an optional title and the option to override the color of the text.

A command in Oakton comes in two parts, a concrete input class that just establishes the required arguments and optional flags through public fields or settable properties:

    public class NameInput
        [Description("The name to be printed to the console output")]
        public string Name { get; set; }
        [Description("The color of the text. Default is black")]
        public ConsoleColor Color { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Black;
        [Description("Optional title preceeding the name")]
        public string TitleFlag { get; set; }

The [Description] attributes are optional and embed usage messages for the integrated help output.

Now then, the actual command would look like this:

    [Description("Print somebody's name")]
    public class NameCommand : OaktonCommand
        public NameCommand()
            // The usage pattern definition here is completely
            // optional
            Usage("Default Color").Arguments(x => x.Name);
            Usage("Print name with specified color").Arguments(x => x.Name, x => x.Color);

        public override bool Execute(NameInput input)
            var text = input.Name;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.TitleFlag))
                text = input.TitleFlag + " " + text;
            // This is a little helper in Oakton for getting
            // cute with colors in the console output
            ConsoleWriter.Write(input.Color, text);

            // Just telling the OS that the command
            // finished up okay
            return true;

Again, the [Description] attributes and the Usage property in the constructor function are all optional, but add more information to the user help display. You’ll note that your command is completely decoupled from any and all text parsing and does nothing but do work against the single input argument. That’s done very intentionally and we believe that this sets Oakton apart from most other command line parsing tools in .Net that too freely commingle parsing with the actual functionality.

Finally, you need to execute the command in the application’s main function:

    class Program
        static int Main(string[] args)
            // As long as this doesn't blow up, we're good to go
            return CommandExecutor.ExecuteCommand<NameCommand>(args);

Oakton is fairly full-featured, so you have the options to:

  1. Expose help information in your tool
  2. Support all the commonly used primitive types like strings, numbers, dates, and booleans
  3. Use idiomatic Unix style naming and usage conventions for optional flags
  4. Support multiple commands in a single tool with different arguments and flags (because the original tooling was too inspired by the git command line)


So a couple questions:

  • Does the .Net world really need a new library for command line parsing? Nope, there’s dozens out there and a semi-official one somewhere inside of ASP.Net Core. It’s no big deal on my part though because other than the docs I finally wrote up this week, this code is years old and “done.”
  • Where’s the code? The GitHub repo is here.
  • Is it documented, because you used to be terrible at that? Yep, the docs are at
  • If I really want to use this, where can I ask questions? You can always use GitHub issues, or try the Gitter room.
  • Are there any real world examples of this actually being used? Yep, try Marten.CommandLine, the dotnet-stdocs tool, and Jasper.CommandLine.
  • What’s the license? Apache v2.

Where does the name “Oakton” come from?

A complete lack of creativity on my part. Oakton is a bustling non-incorporated area not far from my grandparent’s farm on the back way to Lamar, MO that consists of a Methodist church, a cemetery, the crumbling ruins of the general store, and maybe 3-4 farmhouses. Fun fact, when I was really small, I tagged along with my grandfather when he’d take tractor parts to get fixed by the blacksmith that used to be there.

3 thoughts on “Introducing Oakton — Command line parsing minus the usual cruft

  1. Thanks for making another thing!

    Quick thing: you’ve lost the generic type parameter on OaktonCommand in the NameCommand sample, probably an angle-bracket HTML thing.

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