Jasper’s Getting Started Story – Take 1


I’ve been kicking around the idea for a possible resurrection of FubuMVC as a mostly new framework with the codename “Jasper”  for several years with some of my colleagues. This year myself and several members of our architecture team at work have started making that a reality as the centerpiece of our longer term microservices strategy.

In the end, Jasper will be a lightweight service bus for asynchronous messaging, a high performance alternative to MVC for HTTP API’s, and a substitute for MediatR inside of ASP.Net Core applications (those three usages share much more infrastructure code than you might imagine and the whole thing is still going to be much, much smaller than FubuMVC was at the end). For the moment, we’re almost entirely focused on the messaging functionality.

I haven’t kicked out an up to date Nuget yet, but there’s quite a bit of documentation and I’m just hoping to get some feedback out of that right now. If you’re at all interested in Jasper, feel free to raise GitHub issues or join our Gitter room.

The only thing I’m trying to accomplish in this post is to get a sanity check from other folks on whether or not the bootstrapping looks usable.

Getting Started

This is taken directly from the getting started documentation.

Note! Jasper only targets Netstandard 1.5 and higher at this time, and we’ve been holding off on upgrading to ASP.Net Core v2.0.

Jasper is a framework for building server side services in .Net. Jasper can be used as an alternative web framework for .Net, a service bus for messaging, as a “mediator” type pipeline within a different framework, or any combination thereof. Jasper can be used as either your main application framework that handles all the configuration and bootstrapping, or as an add on to ASP.Net Core applications.

To create a new Jasper application, start by building a new console application:

dotnet new console -n MyApp

While this isn’t expressly necessary, you probably want to create a new JasperRegistry that will define the active options and configuration for your application:

public class MyAppRegistry : JasperRegistry
    public MyAppRegistry()
        // Configure or select options in this constructor function

See Configuring Jasper Applications for more information about using the JasperRegistry class.

Now, to bootstrap your application, add the Jasper.CommandLine library to your project and this code to the entrypoint of your console application:

using Jasper.CommandLine;

namespace MyApp
    class Program
        static int Main(string[] args)
            // This bootstraps and runs the Jasper
            // application as defined by MyAppRegistry
            // until the executable is stopped
            return JasperAgent.Run<MyAppRegistry>(args);

By itself, this doesn’t really do much, so let’s add Kestrel as a web server for serving HTTP services and start listening for messages from other applications using Jasper’s built in, lightweight transport:

public class MyAppRegistry : JasperRegistry
    public MyAppRegistry()

Now, when you run the console application you should see output like this:

Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: /Users/jeremill/code/jasper/src/MyApp/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.1
Listening for messages at loopback://delayed/
Listening for messages at jasper://localhost:2333/replies
Listening for messages at jasper://localhost:2222/incoming
Now listening on: http://localhost:3001
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

See Bootstrapping for more information about idiomatic Jasper bootstrapping.

That covers bootstrapping Jasper by itself, but next let’s see how you can add Jasper to an idiomatic ASP.Net Core application.

Adding Jasper to an ASP.Net Core Application

If you prefer to use typical ASP.Net Core bootstrapping or want to add Jasper messaging support to an existing project, you can use the UseJasper() extension method on ASP.Net Core’s IWebHostBuilder as shown below:

var host = new WebHostBuilder()


See Adding Jasper to an ASP.Net Core Application for more information about configuring Jasper through ASP.Net Core hosting.

Your First HTTP Endpoint

The obligatory “Hello World” http endpoint is just this:

public class HomeEndpoint
    public string Get()
        return "Hello, world.";

As long as that class is in the same assembly as your JasperRegistry class, Jasper will find it and make the “Get” method handle the root url of your application.

See HTTP Services for more information about Jasper’s HTTP handling features.

Your First Message Handler

Let’s say you’re building an invoicing application and your application should handle an InvoiceCreated event. The skeleton for the message handler for that event would look like this:

public class InvoiceCreated
    public Guid InvoiceId { get; set; }

public class InvoiceHandler
    public void Handle(InvoiceCreated created)
        // do something here with the created variable...

See Message Handlers for more information on message handler actions.



3 thoughts on “Jasper’s Getting Started Story – Take 1

  1. The documentation and this blog post tells how to do things but doesn’t address the “why”, as in why would I want/need to use your framework over what ASP.NET Core already provides.

    1. We’re not really at a point where I want to go into salesmanship on it, but that’s a fair point. Most of what Jasper does right now does not overlap at all with ASP.Net Core though. As for “why use Jasper for HTTP services instead of MVC or raw ASP.Net Core?”, I think our programming results in less code, cleaner code, and that we’ll be able to significantly beat MVC in performance.

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