Marten 2.4.0 — now plays nicer with others

I was able to push a Marten 2.4.0 release and updated documentation yesterday with several bug fixes and some new small, but important features. The key additions are:

  1. Opening up a Marten session with a existing native Npgsql connection and/or transaction. When you do this, you can also direct Marten whether or not it “owns” the transaction lifecycle and whether or not Marten is responsible for committing or rolling back the transaction on IDocumentSession.SaveChanges(). Since this was a request from one of the Particular Software folks, I’m assuming you’ll shortly see Marten-backed saga persistence in NServiceBus soon;-)
  2. Opening a Marten session that enlists in the current TransactionScope. Do note that this feature is only available when either targeting the full .Net framework (> .Net 4.6) or Netstandard 2.0.
  3. Ejecting a document from a document session. Other folks have asked for that over time, but strangely enough, it got done quickly when I wanted it for something I was building. Weird how it works that way sometimes.
  4. Taking advantage of Marten’s schema management capabilities to register “feature schema objects” for additional database schema objects.

I don’t know the timing, but there were some new features that got left out because I got impatient to push this release, and we’ve had some recent feature requests that aren’t too crazy. Marten will return next in “2.5.0.”








2 thoughts on “Marten 2.4.0 — now plays nicer with others

  1. Thank you for the update, Mr Miller. I particularly enjoyed:

    > Other folks have asked for that over time, but strangely enough, it got done quickly when I wanted it for something I was building. Weird how it works that way sometimes.

    That made me laugh!

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