Lamar 2.0 is Out! StructureMap’s Successor Grows up a bit

I was just able to publish Lamar 2.0 to Nuget and it looks like it’s indexed, so here we go!

Along with a whole lot of user reported bug fixes, the two big changes are:

  • We split the dynamic code compilation and code generation (the Frames model) into its own separate library called LamarCompiler so that interested folks could easily reuse that functionality without having the IoC support bundled along with it (even though you never needed to use the Lamar IoC code to take advantage of the code compilation but .Net devs are finicky about dependencies some times)
  • After a couple user requests for it, Lamar 2.0 supports optional and mandatory setter injection based on StructureMap’s setter injection support.\

Many thanks to all the folks that helped move this along by reporting GitHub issues and providing pretty damn useful reproduction steps. Special thanks to Mark Warpool for all his help in making Lamar go. Lamar, like Marten before it, has been a very positive experience for me in my dealings with the greater OSS community.

For more information, here’s:


What next for Lamar?

I don’t know when, but I’ll eventually get around to the “AutoFactory” feature, because I think that’s the single biggest blocker for many folks moving from StructureMap to Lamar. If LamarCompiler takes off at all, there’s worlds of opportunities to add new C# code constructs to the code generation model.

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