Command Line Support for Marten Projections

Marten 5.7 was published earlier this week with mostly bug fixes. The one, big new piece of functionality was an improved version of the command line support for event store projections. Specifically, Marten added support for multi-tenancy through multiple databases and the ability to use separate document stores in one application as part of our V5 release earlier this year, but the projections command didn’t really catch up and support that — but now it can with Marten v5.7.0.

From a sample project in Marten we use to test this functionality, here’s part of the Marten setup that has a mix of asynchronous and inline projections, as well as uses the database per tenant strategy:

services.AddMarten(opts =>
    opts.AutoCreateSchemaObjects = AutoCreate.All;
    opts.DatabaseSchemaName = "cli";

    // Note this app uses multiple databases for multi-tenancy
        .WithTenants("tenant1", "tenant2", "tenant3");

    // Register all event store projections ahead of time
        .Add(new TripAggregationWithCustomName(), ProjectionLifecycle.Async);
        .Add(new DayProjection(), ProjectionLifecycle.Async);
        .Add(new DistanceProjection(), ProjectionLifecycle.Async);

        .Add(new SimpleAggregate(), ProjectionLifecycle.Inline);

    // This is actually important to register "live" aggregations too for the code generation

At this point, let’s introduce the Marten.CommandLine Nuget dependency to the system just to add Marten related command line options directly to our application for typical database management utilities. Marten.CommandLine brings with it a dependency on Oakton that we’ll actually use as the command line parser for our built in tooling. Using the now “old-fashioned” pre-.NET 6 manner of running a console application, I add Oakton to the system like this:

public static Task<int> Main(string[] args)
    // Use Oakton for running the command line
    return CreateHostBuilder(args).RunOaktonCommands(args);

When you use the dotnet command line options, just keep in mind that the “–” separator you’re seeing me here is used to separate options directly to the dotnet executable itself on the left from arguments being passed to the application itself on the right of the “–” separator.

Now, turning to the command line at the root of our project, I’m going to type out this command to see the Oakton options for our application:

dotnet run -- help

Which gives us this output:

If you’re wondering, the commands db-apply and marten-apply are synonyms that’s there as to not break older users when we introduced the now, more generic “db” commands.

And next I’m going to see the usage for the projections command with dotnet run -- help projections, which gives me this output:

For the simplest usage, I’m just going to list off the known projections for the entire system with dotnet run -- projections --list:

Which will show us the four registered projections in the main IDocumentStore, and tells us that there are no registered projections in the separate IOtherStore.

Now, I’m just going to continuously run the asynchronous projections for the entire application — while another process is constantly pumping random events into the system so there’s always new work to be doing — with dotnet run -- projections, which will spit out this continuously updating table (with an assist from Spectre.Console):

What I hope you can tell here is that every asynchronous projection is actively running for each separate tenant database. The blue “High Water Mark” is telling us where the current event store for each database is at.

And finally, for the main reason why I tackled the projections command line overhaul last week, folks needed a way to rebuild projections for every database when using a database per tenant strategy.

While the new projections command will happily let you rebuild any combination of database, store, and projection name by flags or even an interactive mode, we can quickly trigger a full rebuild of all the asynchronous projections with dotnet run -- projections --rebuild, which is going to loop through every store and database like so:

For the moment, the rebuild works on all the projections for a single database at a time. I’m sure we’ll attempt some optimizations of the rebuilding process and try to understand how much we can really parallelize more, but for right now, our users have an out of the box way to rebuild projections across separate databases or separate stores.

This *might* be a YouTube video soon just to kick off my new channel for Marten/Jasper/Oakton/Alba/Lamar content.

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