Useful Tricks with Lamar for Integration Testing

Earlier this week I started a new blog series on Wolverine & Marten:

Earlier this week I started a new series of blog posts about Wolverine capabilities with:

Today I’m taking a left turn in Albuquerque to talk about how to deal with injecting fake services in integration test scenarios for external service gateways in Wolverine applications using some tricks in the underlying Lamar IoC container — or really just anything that turns out to be difficult to deal with in automated tests.

Since this is a headless service, I’m not too keen on introducing Alba or WebApplicationFactory and all their humongous tail of ASP.Net Core dependencies. Instead, I made a mild change to the Program file of the main application to revert back to the “old” .NET 6 style of bootstrapping instead of the newer, implied Program.Main() style strictly to facilitate integration testing:

public static class Program
    public static Task<int> Main(string[] args)
        return CreateHostBuilder().RunOaktonCommands(args);

    // This method is a really easy way to bootstrap the application
    // in testing later
    public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder()
        return Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
            .UseWolverine((context, opts) =>
                // And a lot of necessary configuration here....

Now, I’m going to start a new xUnit.Net project to test the main application (NUnit or MSTest would certainly be viable as well). In the testing project, I want to test the payment ingestion service from the prior blog posts with basically the exact same set up as the main application, with the exception of replacing the service gateway for the “very unreliable 3rd party service” with a stub that we can control at will during testing. That stub could look like this:

// More on this later...
public interface IStatefulStub
    void ClearState();

public class ThirdPartyServiceStub : IThirdPartyServiceGateway, IStatefulStub
    public Dictionary<Guid, LoanInformation> LoanInformation { get; } = new();
    public Task<LoanInformation> FindLoanInformationAsync(Guid loanId, CancellationToken cancellation)
        if (LoanInformation.TryGetValue(loanId, out var information))
            return Task.FromResult(information);

        // I suppose you'd throw a more specific exception type, but I'm lazy, so....
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(loanId), "Unknown load id");

    public Task PostPaymentScheduleAsync(PaymentSchedule schedule, CancellationToken cancellation)
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public List<PaymentSchedule> PostedSchedules { get; } = new();
    public void ClearState()

Now that we have a usable stub for later, let’s build up a test harness for our application. Right off the bat, I’m going to say that we won’t even try to run integration tests in parallel, so I’m going for a shared context that bootstraps the applications IHost:

public class AppFixture : IAsyncLifetime
    public async Task InitializeAsync()
        // This is bootstrapping the actual application using
        // its implied Program.Main() set up
        Host = await Program.CreateHostBuilder()
            // This is from Lamar, this will override the service registrations
            // no matter what order registrations are done. This was specifically
            // intended for automated testing scenarios
            .OverrideServices(services =>
                // Override the existing application's registration with a stub
                // for the third party service gateway


    // Just a convenient way to get at this later
    public ThirdPartyServiceStub ThirdPartyService { get; } = new();

    public IHost Host { get; private set; }
    public Task DisposeAsync()
        return Host.StopAsync();

So a couple comments about the code up above:

  • I’m delegating to the Program.CreateHostBuilder() method from our real application to create an IHostBuilder that is exactly the application itself. I think it’s important to do integration tests as close to the real application as possible so you don’t get false positives or false negatives from some sort of different bootstrapping or configuration of the application.
  • That being said, it’s absolutely going to be a pain in the ass to use the real “unreliable 3rd party service” in integration testing, so it would be very convenient to have a nice, easily controlled stub or “spy” we can use to capture data sent to the 3rd party or to set up responses from the 3rd party service
  • And no, we don’t know if your application actually works end to end if we use the whitebox testing approach, and there is very likely going to be unforeseen issues when we integrate with the real 3rd party service. All that being said, it’s very helpful to first know that our code works exactly the way we intended it to before we tackle fully end to end tests.
  • But if this were a real project, I’d spike the actual 3rd party gateway code ASAP because that’s likely where the major project risk is. In the real life project this was based on, that gateway code was not under my purview at first and I might have gotten myself temporarily banned from the client site after finally snapping at the developer “responsible” for that after about a year of misery. Moving on!
  • Lamar is StructureMap’s descendent, but it’s nowhere near as loosey-goosey flexible about runtime service overrides as StructureMap. That was very purposeful on my part as that led to Lamar having vastly better (1-3 orders of magnitude improvement) performance, and also to reduce my stress level by simplifying the Lamar usage over StructureMap’s endlessly complicated rules for service overrides. Long story short, that requires you to think through in advance a little bit about what services are going to be overridden in tests and to frankly use that sparingly compared to what was easy in StructureMap years ago.

Next, I’ll add the necessary xUnit ICollectionFixture type that I almost always forget to do at first unless I’m copy/pasting code from somewhere else:

public class ScenarioCollection : ICollectionFixture<AppFixture>

Now, I like to have a base class for integration tests that just adds a tiny bit of reusable helpers and lifecycle methods to clean up the system state before all tests:

public abstract class IntegrationContext : IAsyncLifetime
    public IntegrationContext(AppFixture fixture)
        Host = fixture.Host;
        Store = Host.Services.GetRequiredService<IDocumentStore>();
        ThirdPartyService = fixture.ThirdPartyService;

    public ThirdPartyServiceStub ThirdPartyService { get; set; }

    public IHost Host { get; }
    public IDocumentStore Store { get; }

    async Task IAsyncLifetime.InitializeAsync()
        // Using Marten, wipe out all data and reset the state
        // back to exactly what we described in InitialAccountData
        await Store.Advanced.ResetAllData();
        // Clear out all the stateful stub state too!
        // First, I'm getting at the broader Lamar service
        // signature to do Lamar-specific things...
        var container = (IContainer)Host.Services;

        // Find every possible service that's registered in Lamar that implements
        // the IStatefulStub interface, resolve them, and loop though them 
        // like so
        foreach (var stub in container.Model.GetAllPossible<IStatefulStub>())
    // This is required because of the IAsyncLifetime 
    // interface. Note that I do *not* tear down database
    // state after the test. That's purposeful
    public Task DisposeAsync()
        return Task.CompletedTask;


And now, some comments about that bit of code. You generally want a clean slate of system state going into each test, and our stub for the 3rd party system is stateful, so we’d want to clear it out between tests to keep from polluting the next test. That what the `IStatefulStub` interface and the calls to GetAllPossible() is helping us do with the Lamar container. If the system grows and we use more stubs, we can use that mechanism to have a one stop shop to clear out any stateful objects in the container between tests.

Lastly, here’s a taste of how the full test harness might be used:

public class ASampleTestHarness : IntegrationContext
    public ASampleTestHarness(AppFixture fixture) : base(fixture)

    public async Task how_the_test_might_work()
        // Do the Arrange and Act part of the tests....
        await Host.InvokeMessageAndWaitAsync(new PaymentValidated(new Payment()));

        // Our test *should* have posted a single payment schedule
        // within the larger workflow, and this will blow up if there's
        // none or many
        var schedule = ThirdPartyService.PostedSchedules.Single();
        // Write assertions against the expected data for the schedule maybe?

The InvokeMessageAndWaitAsync() is baked into Wolverine’s test automation support.

Summary and next time…

I don’t like piecing together special application bootstrapping in the test automation projects, as that tends to drift apart from the actual application over time. Instead, I’d rather use the application’s own bootstrapping — in this case how it builds up an IHostBuilder — then apply some limited number of testing overrides.

Lamar has a couple helpers for test automation, including the OverrideServices() method and the GetAllPossible() helper that can be useful for clearing out state between tests in stubs or caches or who knows what else in a systematic way.

So far I’ve probably mostly blogged about things that Wolverine does that other tools like NServiceBus, MassTransit, or MediatR do as well. Next time out, I want to go completely off road where those tools can’t follow and into Wolverine’s “compound handler” strategy for maximum testability using Jim Shore’s A-Frame Architecture approach.

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