Wolverine has some new tricks to reduce boilerplate code in HTTP endpoints

Wolverine 1.2.0 rolled out this morning with some enhancements for HTTP endpoints. In the realm of HTTP endpoints, Wolverine’s raison d’être is to finally deliver a development experience to .NET developers that requires very low code ceremony, maximizes testability, and does all of that with good performance. Between some feedback from early adopters and some repetitive boilerplate code I saw doing a code review for a client last week (woot, I’ve actually got paying clients now!), Wolverine.Http got a couple new tricks to speed you up.

First off,

Here’s a common pattern in HTTP service development. Based on a route argument, you first load some kind of entity from persistence. If the data is not found, return a status code 404 that means the resource was not found, but otherwise continue working against that entity data you just loaded. Here’s a short hand way of doing that now with Wolverine “compound handlers“:

public record UpdateRequest(string Name, bool IsComplete);

public static class UpdateEndpoint
    // Find required Todo entity for the route handler below
    public static Task<Todo?> LoadAsync(int id, IDocumentSession session) 
        => session.LoadAsync<Todo>(id);
    public static StoreDoc<Todo> Put(
        // Route argument
        int id,
        // The request body
        UpdateRequest request,
        // Entity loaded by the method above, 
        // but note the [Required] attribute
        [Required] Todo? todo)
        todo.Name = request.Name;
        todo.IsComplete = request.IsComplete;

        return MartenOps.Store(todo);

You’ll notice that the LoadAsync() method is looking up the Todo entity for the route parameter, where Wolverine would normally be passing that value to the matching Todo parameter of the main Put method. In this case though, because of the [Required] attribute, Wolverine.Http will stop processing with a 404 status code if the Todo cannot be found.

By contrast, here’s some sample code of a higher ceremony alternative that helped spawn this feature in the first place:

Note in the code above how the author had to pollute his code with attributes strictly for OpenAPI (Swagger) metadata because the valid response types cannot be inferred when you’re returning the IResult value that could frankly be just about anything in the world.

In the Wolverine 1.2 version above, Wolverine.Http is able to infer the exact same OpenAPI metadata as the busier Put() method in the image above. Also, and I think this is potentially valuable, the Wolverine 1.2 version turns the behavior into a purely synchronous version that is going to be mechanically easier to unit test.

So that’s required data, now let’s turn our attention to Wolverine’s new ProblemDetails support. While there is a Fluent Validation middleware package for Wolverine.Http that supports ProblemDetails in a generic way, I’m seeing usages where you just need to do some explicit validation for an HTTP endpoint. Wolverine 1.2 added this usage:

public class ProblemDetailsUsageEndpoint
    public ProblemDetails Before(NumberMessage message)
        // If the number is greater than 5, fail with a
        // validation message
        if (message.Number > 5)
            return new ProblemDetails
                Detail = "Number is bigger than 5",
                Status = 400

        // All good, keep on going!
        return WolverineContinue.NoProblems;

    public static string Post(NumberMessage message)
        return "Ok";

public record NumberMessage(int Number);

Wolverine.Http now (as of 1.2.0) has a convention that sees a return value of ProblemDetails and looks at that as a “continuation” to tell the http handler code what to do next. One of two things will happen:

1. If the ProblemDetails return value is the same instance as WolverineContinue.NoProblems, just keep going
2. Otherwise, write the ProblemDetails out to the HTTP response and exit the HTTP request handling

Just as in the first [Required] usage, Wolverine is able to infer OpenAPI metadata about your endpoint to add a “produces ‘application/problem+json` with a 400 status code” item. And for those of you who like to get fancier or more specific with your HTTP status code usage, you can happily override that behavior with your own metadata attributes like so:

    // Use 418 as the status code instead
    [ProducesResponseType(typeof(ProblemDetails), 418)]

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