Compiled Queries with Marten

I had tentatively promised to do a full “critter stack” version of Oskar’s sample application in his Vertical Slices in Practice post last week that used Marten‘s event sourcing support. I started doing that this morning, but quit because it was just coming out too similar to my earlier post this week on Low Ceremony Vertical Slice Architecture with Wolverine.

In Oskar’s sample reservation booking application, there was an HTTP endpoint that handled a ReserveRoomRequest command and emitted a new RoomReserved event for a new RoomReservation event stream. Part of that processing was validating the availability of rooms of the requested type during the time period of the reservation request. Just for reference, here’s my version of Oskar’s ReserveRoomEndpoint:

using DailyAvailability = System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<Booking.RoomReservations.GettingRoomTypeAvailability.DailyRoomTypeAvailability>;

namespace Booking.RoomReservations.ReservingRoom;

public record ReserveRoomRequest(
    RoomType RoomType,
    DateOnly From,
    DateOnly To,
    string GuestId,
    int NumberOfPeople

public static class ReserveRoomEndpoint
    // More on this in a second...
    public static async Task<DailyAvailability> LoadAsync(
        ReserveRoomRequest request,
        IDocumentSession session)
        // Look up the availability of this room type during the requested period
        return (await session.QueryAsync(new GetRoomTypeAvailabilityForPeriod(request))).ToList();

    public static (CreationResponse, StartStream<RoomReservation>) Post(
        ReserveRoomRequest command,
        DailyAvailability dailyAvailability)
        // Make sure there is availability for every day
        if (dailyAvailability.Any(x => x.AvailableRooms == 0))
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Not enough available rooms!");

        var reservationId = CombGuidIdGeneration.NewGuid().ToString();

        // I copied this, but I'd probably eliminate the record usage in favor
        // of init only properties so you can make the potentially error prone
        // mapping easier to troubleshoot in the future
        // That folks is the voice of experience talkine
        var reserved = new RoomReserved(

        return (
            // This would be the response body, and this also helps Wolverine
            // to create OpenAPI metadata for the endpoint
            new CreationResponse($"/api/reservations/{reservationId}"),
            // This return value is recognized by Wolverine as a "side effect"
            // that will be processed as part of a Marten transaction
            new StartStream<RoomReservation>(reservationId, reserved)

For this post, I’d like you to focus on the LoadAsync() method above. That’s utilizing Wolverine’s compound handler technique to split out the data loading so that the actual endpoint Post() method can be a pure function that’s easily unit tested by just “pushing” in the inputs and asserting on either the values returned or the presence of an exception in the validation logic.

Back to that LoadAsync() method. Let’s assume that this HTTP service is going to be under quite a bit of load and it wouldn’t hurt to apply some performance optimization. Or also imagine that the data querying to find the room availability of a certain room type and a time period will be fairly common within the system at large. I’m saying all that to justify the usage of Marten’s compiled query feature as shown below:

public class GetRoomTypeAvailabilityForPeriod : ICompiledListQuery<DailyRoomTypeAvailability>
    // Sorry, but this signature is necessary for the Marten mechanics
    public GetRoomTypeAvailabilityForPeriod()

    public GetRoomTypeAvailabilityForPeriod(ReserveRoomRequest request)
        RoomType = request.RoomType;
        From = request.From;
        To = request.To;

    public RoomType RoomType { get; set; }
    public DateOnly From { get; set; }
    public DateOnly To { get; set; }

    public Expression<Func<IMartenQueryable<DailyRoomTypeAvailability>, IEnumerable<DailyRoomTypeAvailability>>>
        return q => q.Where(day => day.RoomType == RoomType && day.Date >= From && day.Date <= To);

First of all, this is Marten’s version of the Query Object pattern which enables you to share the query definition in declarative ways throughout the codebase. (I’ve heard other folks call this a “Specification,” but that name is overloaded a bit too much in software development world). Removing duplication is certainly a good thing all by itself. Doing so in a way that eliminates the need for extra repository abstractions is also a win in my book.

Secondly, by using the “compiled query”, Marten is able to cache the whole execution plan in memory (technically it’s generating code at runtime) for faster runtime execution. The dirty, barely recognized fact in .NET development today is that the act of parsing Linq statements and converting the intermediate query model into actionable SQL and glue code is not cheap. Marten compiled queries sidestep all that preliminary parsing junk and let’s you skip right to the execution part.

It’s a possibly underused and under-appreciated feature within Marten, but compiled queries are a great way to optimize your system’s performance and possibly clean up code duplication in simple ways.

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