The “Critter Stack” Just Leveled Up on Modular Monolith Support

The goal for the “Critter Stack” tools is to be the absolute best set of tools for building server side .NET applications, and especially for any usage of Event Driven Architecture approaches. To go even farther, I would like there to be a day where organizations purposely choose the .NET ecosystem just because of the benefits that the “Critter Stack” provides over other options. But for now, that’s the journey we’re on. This post demonstrates an important new feature that I think fills in a huge capability gap that has long bothered me.

And as always, JasperFx Software is happy to work with any “Critter Stack” users through either support contracts or consulting engagements to help you wring the most value out of our tools and help you succeed with what you’re building.

I recently wrote some posts about the whole “Modular Monolith” architecture approach:

  1. Thoughts on “Modular Monoliths”
  2. Actually Talking about Modular Monoliths
  3. Modular Monoliths and the “Critter Stack”

Marten already has strong support for modular monoliths through its “separate store” functionality. In the last post though, I lamented that all the whizz bang integration between Wolverine and Marten like the aggregate handler workflow or Wolverine’s transactional outbox or Marten side effects or the new event subscription model that make the full “Critter Stack” such a productive toolset for Event Sourcing were, alas, not available in conjunction with Marten’s separate store model.

This week I’m helping a JasperFx client who has some complicated multi-tenancy requirements. In one of their services they have some types of event streams that need to use “conjoined multi-tenancy“, but at least one type of event stream (and related aggregate) that is global across all tenants. Marten event stores are either multi-tenanted or they’re not, with no mixing and matching. It occurred to me that we could solve this issue by putting the one type of global event streams in a separate Marten store. Even though the 2nd Marten store will still target the exact same PostgreSQL database (but in a different schema), we can give this second schema a different configuration to accommodate the different tenancy rules. Moreover, this would even be a good way to improve performance and scalability of their service by effectively sharding the events and streams tables (smaller tables generally mean better performance).

At the same time, I’m also helping them introduce Wolverine message handlers as well, and I really wanted to be able to use the aggregate handler workflow for commands that spawn new Marten events (effectively the Critter Stack version of the “Decider” pattern, but lower ceremony). I finally took some time — and stumbled onto a workable approach — that finally adds far better support for modular monolith architectures with the Wolverine 2.13.0 release that hit today.

Specifically, Wolverine finally got some support for full integration with ancillary document and event stores from Marten in the same application.

To see a sneak peek, let’s say that you have two additional Marten stores for your application like these two:

public interface IPlayerStore : IDocumentStore;
public interface IThingStore : IDocumentStore;

You can now bootstrap a Marten + Wolverine application (using the WolverineFx.Marten Nuget dependency) like so:

theHost = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
    .UseWolverine(opts =>

        opts.Durability.Mode = DurabilityMode.Solo;

        opts.Services.AddMartenStore<IPlayerStore>(m =>
            m.DatabaseSchemaName = "players";
            // Add a subscription
            .SubscribeToEvents(new ColorsSubscription())
            // Forward events to wolverine handlers
            .PublishEventsToWolverine("PlayerEvents", x =>
        // Look at that, it even works with Marten multi-tenancy through separate databases!
        opts.Services.AddMartenStore<IThingStore>(m =>
            m.MultiTenantedDatabases(tenancy =>
                tenancy.AddSingleTenantDatabase(tenant1ConnectionString, "tenant1");
                tenancy.AddSingleTenantDatabase(tenant2ConnectionString, "tenant2");
                tenancy.AddSingleTenantDatabase(tenant3ConnectionString, "tenant3");
            m.DatabaseSchemaName = "things";


Now, moving to message handlers or HTTP endpoints, you will have to explicitly tag either the containing class or individual messages with the [MartenStore(store type)] attribute like this simple example below:

// This will use a Marten session from the
// IPlayerStore rather than the main IDocumentStore
public static class PlayerMessageHandler
    // Using a Marten side effect just like normal
    public static IMartenOp Handle(PlayerMessage message)
        return MartenOps.Store(new Player{Id = message.Id});

Boom! Even that minor sample is using transactional middleware targeting Marten and able to work with the separate IPlayerStore. This new integration includes:

  • Transactional outbox support for all configured Marten stores
  • Transactional middleware
  • The “aggregate handler workflow”
  • Marten side effects
  • Subscriptions to Marten events
  • Multi-tenancy, both “conjoined” Marten multi-tenancy and multi-tenancy through separate databases

For more information, see the documentation on this new feature.


I’m maybe a little too excited for a feature that most users will never touch, but for those who do see this, the “Critter Stack” now has first class modular monolith support across a wide range of the features that make the “Critter Stack” a desirable platform in the first place.

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