Self Diagnosing Deployments with Oakton and Lamar

So here’s the deal, sometimes, somehow you deploy a new version of a system into a testing, staging, or production environment and it doesn’t work. Shocking and sometimes distressing when that happens, right?

There are any number of problems that could be the cause. Maybe a database is in an invalid state, maybe a file got missed in the deployment, maybe some bit of configuration is wrong, maybe a downstream or upstream collaborating system is down or unreachable. Who knows, right? Well, what if we could make our systems self-diagnosing so they can do a quick rundown of how they’re configured and running right at start up time and fail fast if something is detected to be wrong with the deployment? And also have the system tell us exactly what is wrong through first causes without having to later trace runtime failures to the ultimate root cause?

To that end, let’s talk about some mechanisms in both the Oakton and Lamar libraries to quickly add in what I like to call “environment checks”, meaning self diagnosing checks on system startup to test out system configuration and validity. Oakton has a facility to run environment checks in either a separate diagnostic command directly in your application, or to run the environment checks at system start up time, make a detailed report of any failures, and make the process stop and return an error code. In turn, a continuous deployment script should be able to detect the failure to start the system and rollback to a previously known, good state.

In the past, I’ve worked in teams where we’ve embedded environment checks to:

  • Verify that a configured database is reachable
  • Ping an external web service dependency
  • Check for the existence of required files
  • Verify that an expected COM dependency was registered (shudder, there’s some bad memories in that one)
  • Test that security features are correctly configured and usable — and I think that’s a big one
  • Assert that the system has the ability to read and write configured file system directories — also some serious scar tissue

The point here is to make your deployments fail fast anytime there’s an environmental misconfiguration, and do so in a way that makes it easy for you to spot exactly what’s wrong. Environment checks can help teams avoid system down time and keep testers from blowing up the defect lists with false negatives from misconfigured systems.

Getting Started with Oakton

Just to get started, I spun up a new .Net 5 web service with dotnet new webapi. That template gives you this code in the Program.Main() method:

        public static void Main(string[] args)

I’m going to add a Nuget reference to Oakton, then change that method up above so that Oakton is handling the command line parsing and system startup like this:

        // It's important to return Task<int> so that
        // Oakton can signal failures with non-zero
        // return codes
        public static Task<int> Main(string[] args)
            return CreateHostBuilder(args).RunOaktonCommands(args);

There’s still nothing going on in our web service, but from the command line we could run dotnet run -- check-env just to start up our application’s IHost and run all the environment checks in a test mode. Nothing there yet, so you’d get output like this:

   ___            _      _
  / _ \    __ _  | | __ | |_    ___    _ __
 | | | |  / _` | | |/ / | __|  / _ \  | '_ \
 | |_| | | (_| | |   <  | |_  | (_) | | | | |
  \___/   \__,_| |_|\_\  \__|  \___/  |_| |_|

No environment checks.
All environment checks are good!

We can add environment checks directly to our application with Oakton’s built in mechanisms like this example that just validates that there’s an appsettings.json file in the application path:

        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            // Literally just proving out that appsettings.json is available
            // Other registrations

And now that same dotnet run -- check-env file gives us this output:

   ___            _      _
  / _ \    __ _  | | __ | |_    ___    _ __
 | | | |  / _` | | |/ / | __|  / _ \  | '_ \
 | |_| | | (_| | |   <  | |_  | (_) | | | | |
  \___/   \__,_| |_|\_\  \__|  \___/  |_| |_|

   1.) Success: File 'appsettings.json' exists

Running Environment Checks ---------------------------------------- 100%

All environment checks are good!

One of the other things that Oakton does is intercept the basic dotnet run command with extra options, so we can use the --check flag like so:

dotnet run -- --check

That command is going to:

  1. Bootstrap and start the IHost for your application
  2. Load and execute all the registered environment checks for your application
  3. Report the status of each environment check to the console
  4. Fail the executable if any environment checks fail

In my tiny sample app I’m building here, the output of that call is this:

C:\code\JasperSamples\EnvironmentChecks\WebApplication\WebApplication>dotnet run -- --check
   1.) Success: File 'appsettings.json' exists

Running Environment Checks ---------------------------------------- 100%

info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Now listening on: https://localhost:5001
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Hosting environment: Development
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Content root path: C:\code\JasperSamples\EnvironmentChecks\WebApplication\WebApplication

At deployment time, that call is probably just [your application name] --check to start the application.

Environment Checks with Lamar

Now that we’ve got the basics for environment checks built into our new web service with Oakton, I want to introduce Lamar as the DI/IoC tool for the application. I’ll add a Nuget reference to Lamar.Microsoft.DependencyInjection to my project. First to make Lamar be the IoC container for my new service, I’ll add this line of code to the Program.CreateHostBuilder() method:

        public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
                // Make Lamar the application container
                .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>

Now, I’m going to go a little farther and add a reference to the Lamar.Diagnostics Nuget as well. That adds some Lamar specific diagnostic commands to our command line options, but also allows us to add Lamar container checks at startup like this:

        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            // Literally just proving out that appsettings.json is available
            // Do a full check of the Lamar configuration
            // and run Lamar environment checks too!

Running our dotnet run -- check-env command again gives us:

   ___            _      _
  / _ \    __ _  | | __ | |_    ___    _ __
 | | | |  / _` | | |/ / | __|  / _ \  | '_ \
 | |_| | | (_| | |   <  | |_  | (_) | | | | |
  \___/   \__,_| |_|\_\  \__|  \___/  |_| |_|

   1.) Success: File 'appsettings.json' exists
   2.) Success: Lamar IoC Service Registrations
   3.) Success: Lamar IoC Type Scanning

Running Environment Checks ---------------------------------------- 100%

All environment checks are good!

The Lamar container checks are a little heavyweight, so watch out for that because you might want to dial them back. Those checks run through every single service registration in Lamar, verifies that all the dependencies exist, and tries to build every registration at least once.

Next though, let’s look at how Lamar lets us plug its own form of environment checks. On any concrete class that is built by Lamar, you can directly embed environment checks with methods like this fake service:

    public class SometimesMisconfiguredService
        private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;

        public SometimesMisconfiguredService(IConfiguration configuration)
            _configuration = configuration;

        public void Validate() // The method name does not matter
            var connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("database");
            using var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
            // Just try to connect to the configured database

The method name above doesn’t matter. All that Lamar needs to see is the [ValidationMethod] attribute. See Lamar’s Environment Tests for a little more information about using this feature. And I don’t really need to “do” anything other than throw an exception if the check logically fails.

And I’ll register that service in the container in the Startup.ConfigureServices() method like so:


Now, going back to the application and I’ll try to start it up with the environment check flag active — but I haven’t configured a database connection string or even attempted to spin up a database at all, so this should fail fast. And it does with a call to dotnet run -- --check:

   1.) Success: File 'appsettings.json' exists
   2.) Failed: Lamar IoC Service Registrations

ERROR: Lamar.IoC.ContainerValidationException: Error in WebApplication.SometimesMisconfiguredService.Validate()


To get at just the Lamar container validation, you can also use dotnet run -- lamar-validate. IoC container tools are a dime a dozen in .Net, and many of them are perfectly competent. When I’m asked “why use Lamar?”, my stock answer is to use Lamar for its diagnostic capabilities.

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