Integration Testing an HTTP Service that Publishes a Wolverine Message

As long term Agile practitioners, the folks behind the whole JasperFx / “Critter Stack” ecosystem explicitly design our tools around the quality of “testability.” Case in point, Wolverine has quite a bit of integration test helpers for testing through message handler execution.

However, while helping a Wolverine user last week, they told me that they were bypassing those built in tools because they wanted to do an integration test of an HTTP service call that publishes a message to Wolverine. That’s certainly going to be a common scenario, so let’s talk about a strategy for reliably writing integration tests that both invoke an HTTP request and can observe the ongoing Wolverine activity to “know” when the “act” part of a typical “arrange, act, assert” test is complete.

In the Wolverine codebase itself, there’s a couple projects that we use to test the Wolverine.Http library:

  1. WolverineWebApi — a web api project that has a lot of fake endpoints that tries to cover the whole gamut of usage scenarios for Wolverine.Http, including a couple use cases of publishing messages directly from HTTP endpoint handlers to asynchronous message handling inside of Wolverine core
  2. Wolverine.Http.Tests — an xUnit.Net project that contains a mix of unit tests and integration tests through WolverineWebApi and Wolverine.Http itself

Back to the need to write integration tests that span work from HTTP service invocations through to Wolverine message processing, Wolverine.Http uses the Alba library (another JasperFx project!) to execute and run assertions against HTTP services. At least at the moment, xUnit.Net is my goto test runner library, so Wolverine.Http.Tests has this shared fixture that is shared between test classes:

public class AppFixture : IAsyncLifetime
    public IAlbaHost Host { get; private set; }

    public async Task InitializeAsync()
        // Sorry folks, but this is absolutely necessary if you 
        // use Oakton for command line processing and want to 
        // use WebApplicationFactory and/or Alba for integration testing
        OaktonEnvironment.AutoStartHost = true;

        // This is bootstrapping the actual application using
        // its implied Program.Main() set up
        Host = await AlbaHost.For<Program>(x => { });

A couple notes on this approach:

  • I think it’s very important to use the actual application bootstrapping for the integration testing rather than trying to have a parallel IoC container configuration for test automation as I frequently see out in the wild. That doesn’t preclude customizing that bootstrapping a little bit to substitute in fake, stand in services for problematic external infrastructure.
  • The approach I’m showing here with xUnit.Net does have the effect of making the tests execute serially, which might not be what you want in very large test suites
  • I think the xUnit.Net shared fixture approach is somewhat confusing and I always have to review the documentation on it when I try to use it

There’s also a shared base class for integrated HTTP tests called IntegrationContext, with a little bit of that shown below:

public class IntegrationCollection : ICollectionFixture<AppFixture>

public abstract class IntegrationContext : IAsyncLifetime
    private readonly AppFixture _fixture;

    protected IntegrationContext(AppFixture fixture)
        _fixture = fixture;
    // more....

More germane to this particular post, here’s a helper method inside of IntegrationContext I wrote specifically to do integration testing that has to span an HTTP request through to asynchronous Wolverine message handling:

    // This method allows us to make HTTP calls into our system
    // in memory with Alba, but do so within Wolverine's test support
    // for message tracking to both record outgoing messages and to ensure
    // that any cascaded work spawned by the initial command is completed
    // before passing control back to the calling test
    protected async Task<(ITrackedSession, IScenarioResult)> TrackedHttpCall(Action<Scenario> configuration)
        IScenarioResult result = null;

        // The outer part is tying into Wolverine's test support
        // to "wait" for all detected message activity to complete
        var tracked = await Host.ExecuteAndWaitAsync(async () =>
            // The inner part here is actually making an HTTP request
            // to the system under test with Alba
            result = await Host.Scenario(configuration);

        return (tracked, result);

Now, for a sample usage of that test helpers, here’s a fake endpoint from WolverineWebApi that I used to prove that Wolverine.Http endpoints can publish messages through Wolverine’s cascading message approach:

    // This would have a string response and a 200 status code
    public static (string, OutgoingMessages) Post(SpawnInput input)
        var messages = new OutgoingMessages
            new HttpMessage1(input.Name),
            new HttpMessage2(input.Name),
            new HttpMessage3(input.Name),
            new HttpMessage4(input.Name)

        return ("got it", messages);

Psst. Notice how the endpoint method’s signature up above is a synchronous pure function which is cleaner and easier to unit test than the equivalent functionality would be in other .NET frameworks that would have required you to call asynchronous methods on some kind of IMessageBus interface.

To test this thing, I want to run an HTTP POST to the “/span” Url in our application, then prove that there were four matching messages published through Wolverine. Here’s the test for that functionality using our earlier TrackedHttpCall() testing helper:

    public async Task send_cascaded_messages_from_tuple_response()
        // This would fail if the status code != 200 btw
        // This method waits until *all* detectable Wolverine message
        // processing has completed
        var (tracked, result) = await TrackedHttpCall(x =>
            x.Post.Json(new SpawnInput("Chris Jones")).ToUrl("/spawn");

        result.ReadAsText().ShouldBe("got it");

        // "tracked" is a Wolverine ITrackedSession object that lets us interrogate
        // what messages were published, sent, and handled during the testing perioc
        tracked.Sent.SingleMessage<HttpMessage1>().Name.ShouldBe("Chris Jones");
        tracked.Sent.SingleMessage<HttpMessage2>().Name.ShouldBe("Chris Jones");
        tracked.Sent.SingleMessage<HttpMessage3>().Name.ShouldBe("Chris Jones");
        tracked.Sent.SingleMessage<HttpMessage4>().Name.ShouldBe("Chris Jones");

There you go. In one fell swoop, we’ve got a reliable way to do integration testing against asynchronous behavior in our system that’s triggered by an HTTP service call — including any and all configured ASP.Net Core or Wolverine.Http middleware that’s part of the execution pipeline.

By “reliable” here in regards to integration testing, I want you to think about any reasonably complicated Selenium test suite and how infuriatingly often you get “blinking” tests that are caused by race conditions between some kind of asynchronous behavior and the test harness trying to make test assertions against the browser state. Wolverine’s built in integration test support can eliminate that kind of inconsistent test behavior by removing the race condition as it tracks all ongoing work for completion.

Oh, and here’s Chris Jones sacking Joe Burrow in the AFC Championship game to seal the Chiefs win that was fresh in my mind when I originally wrote that code above:

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