Wolverine’s Baked In Integration Testing Support

Hey, did you know that JasperFx Software offers formal support plans for Marten and Wolverine? Not only are we making the “Critter Stack” tools be viable long term options for your shop, we’re also interested in hearing your opinions about the tools and how they should change. We’re also certainly open to help you succeed with your software development projects on a consulting basis whether you’re using any part of the Critter Stack or some completely different .NET server side tooling.

Hey, when you’re building grown up software systems in a responsible way, who likes effective automated testing? Me, too! Moreover, I like automated tests that are reliable — and anyone who has ever been remotely near a large automated test suite testing through the web application layer with any kind of asynchronous behavior knows exactly how painful “flake-y” tests are that suffer from timing issues.

Wolverine of course is an application framework for performing background processing and asynchronous messaging — meaning that there’s no end of the exact kind of asynchronous behavior that is notoriously hard to deal with in automated tests. At a minimum, what you need is a way to exercise the message handling within Wolverine (the “act” in the “act, arrange, assert” test pattern), but wait until all cascading activity is really complete before allowing the automated test to continue making assertions on expected outcomes. Fortunately, Wolverine has that very functionality baked into its core library. Here’s a fake saga that we recently used to fix a bug in Wolverine:

public class LongProcessSaga : Saga
    public Guid Id { get; init; }
    public static (LongProcessSaga, OutgoingMessages) Start(BeginProcess message, RecordData? sourceData = null)
        var outgoingMessages = new OutgoingMessages();

        var saga = new LongProcessSaga
            Id = message.DataId,

        if (sourceData is not null)
            outgoingMessages.Add(new ContinueProcess(saga.Id, message.DataId, sourceData.Data));

        return (

    public void Handle(ContinueProcess process)
        Continued = true;

    public bool Continued { get; set; }

When the BeginProcess message is handled by Wolverine, it might also spawn a ContinueProcess message. So let’s write a test that exercises the first message, but waits until the second message that we expect to be spawned while handling the first message before allowing the test to proceed:

    public async Task can_compile_without_issue()
        // Arrange -- and sorry, it's a bit of "Arrange" to get an IHost
        var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(Array.Empty<string>());

            .AddMarten(options =>

        builder.Host.UseWolverine(options =>

        builder.Services.AddScoped<IDataService, DataService>();

        // This is using Alba, which uses WebApplicationFactory under the covers
        await using var host = await AlbaHost.For(builder, app =>

        // Finally, the "Act"!
        var originalMessage = new BeginProcess(Guid.NewGuid());
        // This is a built in extension method to Wolverine to "wait" until
        // all activity triggered by this operation is completed
        var tracked = await host.InvokeMessageAndWaitAsync(originalMessage);
        // And now it's okay to do assertions....
        // This would have failed if there was 0 or many ContinueProcess messages
        var continueMessage = tracked.Executed.SingleMessage<ContinueProcess>();


The IHost.InvokeMessageAndWaitAsync() is part of Wolverine’s “tracked session” feature that’s descended from an earlier system some former colleagues and I developed and used at my then employer about a decade ago. The original mechanism was quite successful for our integration testing efforts of the time, and was built into Wolverine quite early. This “tracked session” feature is very heavily used within the Wolverine test suites to test Wolverine itself.

But wait, there’s more! Here’s a bigger sample from the documentation just showing you some more things that are possible:

public async Task using_tracked_sessions_advanced(IHost otherWolverineSystem)
    // The point here is just that you somehow have
    // an IHost for your application
    using var host = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()

    var debitAccount = new DebitAccount(111, 300);
    var session = await host
        // Start defining a tracked session 
        // Override the timeout period for longer tests
        // Be careful with this one! This makes Wolverine wait on some indication
        // that messages sent externally are completed
        // Make the tracked session span across an IHost for another process
        // May not be super useful to the average user, but it's been crucial
        // to test Wolverine itself

        // This is actually helpful if you are testing for error handling 
        // functionality in your system
        // Again, this is testing against processes, with another IHost
        // There are many other options as well

    var overdrawn = session.Sent.SingleMessage<AccountOverdrawn>();

As hopefully implied by the earlier example, the “tracked session” functionality also gives you:

  • Recursive tracking of all message activity to wait for everything to finish
  • Enforces timeouts in case of hanging tests that probably won’t finish successfully
  • The ability to probe the exact messaging activity that happened as a result of your original message
  • Visibility into any exceptions recorded by Wolverine during message processing that might otherwise be hidden from you. This functionality will re-throw these exceptions to fail a test unless explicitly told to ignore processing exceptions — which you may very well want to do to test error handling logic
  • If a test fails because of a timeout, or doesn’t reach the expected conditions, the test failure exception will show you a (hopefully) neatly formatted textual table explaining what it did observe in terms of what messages were sent, received, started, and finished executing. Again, this is to give you more visibility into test failures, because those inevitably do happen!

Last Thoughts

Supporting a complicated OSS tool like Marten or Wolverine is a little bit like being trapped in somewhere in Jurassic Park while the raptors (users, and especially creative users) are prowling around the perimeter of your tool just looking for weak spots in your tools — a genuine bug, a use case you didn’t anticipate, an awkward API, some missing documentation, or even just some wording in your documentation that isn’t clear enough. The point is, it’s exhausting and sometimes demoralizing when raptors are getting past your defenses a little too often just because you rolled out a near complete rewrite of your LINQ provider subsystem:)

Yesterday I was fielding questions from a fellow whose team was looking to move to Wolverine from one of the older .NET messaging frameworks, and he was very complimentary of the integration testing support that’s the subject of this post. My only point here is to remember to celebrate your successes to balance out the constant worry about what’s not yet great about your tool or project or codebase.

And by success, I mean a very important feature that will absolutely help teams build reliable software more productively with Wolverine that does not exist in other .NET messaging frameworks. And certainly doesn’t exist in the yet-to-be-built Microsoft eventing framework where they haven’t even considered the idea of testability.

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