A-Frame Architecture with Wolverine

I’m weaseling into making a second blog post about a code sample that I mostly stole from just to meet my unofficial goal of 2-3 posts a week promoting the Critter Stack.

Last week I wrote a blog post ostensibly about Marten’s compiled query feature that also included this code sample that I adapted from Oskar’s excellent post on vertical slices:

using DailyAvailability = System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<Booking.RoomReservations.GettingRoomTypeAvailability.DailyRoomTypeAvailability>;
namespace Booking.RoomReservations.ReservingRoom;
public record ReserveRoomRequest(
    RoomType RoomType,
    DateOnly From,
    DateOnly To,
    string GuestId,
    int NumberOfPeople
public static class ReserveRoomEndpoint
    // More on this in a second...
    public static async Task<DailyAvailability> LoadAsync(
        ReserveRoomRequest request,
        IDocumentSession session)
        // Look up the availability of this room type during the requested period
        return (await session.QueryAsync(new GetRoomTypeAvailabilityForPeriod(request))).ToList();
    public static (CreationResponse, StartStream<RoomReservation>) Post(
        ReserveRoomRequest command,
        DailyAvailability dailyAvailability)
        // Make sure there is availability for every day
        if (dailyAvailability.Any(x => x.AvailableRooms == 0))
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Not enough available rooms!");
        var reservationId = CombGuidIdGeneration.NewGuid().ToString();
        // I copied this, but I'd probably eliminate the record usage in favor
        // of init only properties so you can make the potentially error prone
        // mapping easier to troubleshoot in the future
        // That folks is the voice of experience talking
        var reserved = new RoomReserved(
        return (
            // This would be the response body, and this also helps Wolverine
            // to create OpenAPI metadata for the endpoint
            new CreationResponse($"/api/reservations/{reservationId}"),
            // This return value is recognized by Wolverine as a "side effect"
            // that will be processed as part of a Marten transaction
            new StartStream<RoomReservation>(reservationId, reserved)

The original intent of that code sample was to show off how the full “critter stack” (Marten & Wolverine together) enables relatively low ceremony code that also promotes a high degree of testability. And does all of that without requiring developers to invest a lot of time in complicated , prescriptive architectures like a typical Clean Architecture structure.

Specifically today though, I want to zoom in on “testability” and talk about how Wolverine explicitly encourages code that exhibits what Jim Shore famously called the “A Frame Architecture” in its message handlers, but does so with functional decomposition rather than oodles of abstractions and layers.

Using the “A-Frame Architecture”, you roughly want to divide your code into three sets of functionality:

  1. The domain logic for your system, which I would say includes “deciding” what actions to take next.
  2. Infrastructural service providers
  3. Conductor or mediator code that invokes both the infrastructure and domain logic code to decouple the domain logic from infrastructure code

In the message handler above for the `ReserveRoomRequest` command, Wolverine itself is acting as the “glue” around the methods of the HTTP handler code above that keeps the domain logic (the ReserveRoomEndpoint.Post() method that “decides” what event should be captured) and the raw Marten infrastructure to load existing data and persist changes back to the database.

To illustrate that in action, here’s the full generated code that Wolverine compiles to actually handle the full HTTP request (with some explanatory annotations I made by hand):

    public class POST_api_reservations : Wolverine.Http.HttpHandler
        private readonly Wolverine.Http.WolverineHttpOptions _wolverineHttpOptions;
        private readonly Marten.ISessionFactory _sessionFactory;

        public POST_api_reservations(Wolverine.Http.WolverineHttpOptions wolverineHttpOptions, Marten.ISessionFactory sessionFactory) : base(wolverineHttpOptions)
            _wolverineHttpOptions = wolverineHttpOptions;
            _sessionFactory = sessionFactory;

        public override async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Handle(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext httpContext)
            await using var documentSession = _sessionFactory.OpenSession();
            var (command, jsonContinue) = await ReadJsonAsync<Booking.RoomReservations.ReservingRoom.ReserveRoomRequest>(httpContext);
            if (jsonContinue == Wolverine.HandlerContinuation.Stop) return;

            // Wolverine has a convention to call methods named
            // "LoadAsync()" before the main endpoint method, and
            // to pipe data returned from this "Before" method
            // to the parameter inputs of the main method
            // as that actually makes sense
            var dailyRoomTypeAvailabilityIReadOnlyList = await Booking.RoomReservations.ReservingRoom.ReserveRoomEndpoint.LoadAsync(command, documentSession).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Call the "real" HTTP handler method. 
            // The first value is the HTTP response body
            // The second value is a "side effect" that
            // will be part of the transaction around this
            (var creationResponse, var startStream) = Booking.RoomReservations.ReservingRoom.ReserveRoomEndpoint.Post(command, dailyRoomTypeAvailabilityIReadOnlyList);
            // Placed by Wolverine's ISideEffect policy

            // This little ugly code helps get the correct
            // status code for creation for those of you 
            // who can't be satisfied by using 200 for everything ((Wolverine.Http.IHttpAware)creationResponse).Apply(httpContext);
            // Commit any outstanding Marten changes
            await documentSession.SaveChangesAsync(httpContext.RequestAborted).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Write the response body as JSON
            await WriteJsonAsync(httpContext, creationResponse);


Wolverine by itself as acting as the mediator between the infrastructure concerns (loading & persisting data) and the business logic function which in Wolverine world becomes a pure function that are typically much easier to unit test than code that has direct coupling to infrastructure concerns — even if that coupling is through abstractions.

Testing wise, if I were actually building a real endpoint like that shown above, I would choose to:

  1. Unit test the Post() method itself by “pushing” inputs to it through the room availability and command data, then assert the expected outcome on the event published through the StartStream<Reservation> value returned by that method. That’s pure state-based testing for the easiest possible unit testing. As an aside, I would claim that this method is an example of the Decider pattern for testable event sourcing business logic code.
  2. I don’t think I’d bother testing the LoadAsync() method by itself, but instead I’d opt to use something like Alba to write an end to end test at the HTTP layer to prove out the entire workflow, but only after the unit tests for the Post() method are all passing.

Responsibility Driven Design

While the “A-Frame Architecture” metaphor is a relatively recent influence upon my design thinking, I’ve long been a proponent of Responsibility Driven Design (RDD) as explained by Rebecca Wirfs-Brock’s excellent A Brief Tour of Responsibility Driven Design. Don’t dismiss that paper because of its age, because the basic concepts and strategies for identifying different responsibilities in your system as a prerequisite for designing or structuring code put forth in that paper are absolutely useful even today.

Applying Responsibility Driven Development to the sample HTTP endpoint code above, I would say that:

  • The Marten IDocumentSession is a “service provider”
  • The Wolverine generated code acts as a “coordinator”
  • The Post() method is responsible for “deciding” what events should be emitted and persisted. One of the most helpful pieces of advice in RDD is to sometimes treat “deciding” to do an action as a separate responsibility from actually carrying out the action. That can lead to better isolating the decision making logic away from infrastructural concerns for easier testing

It’s also old as hell for software, but one of my personal favorite articles I ever wrote was Object Role Stereotypes for MSDN Magazine way back in 2008.

6 thoughts on “A-Frame Architecture with Wolverine

  1. Some good reading links – never came across RDD before.

    Regarding the below, are you indicating the issue where someone writes command.From instead of command.To for example?

    // I copied this, but I’d probably eliminate the record usage in favor
    // of init only properties so you can make the potentially error prone
    // mapping easier to troubleshoot in the future
    // That folks is the voice of experience talking
    var reserved = new RoomReserved(

    1. Yes. When you have several parameters in a row of the same type, it’s *very* easy to transpose those and hard to unravel that in bigger codebases. This is the rare case of me opting for noisier code just to make mapping issues easier to debug later.

  2. I really like the “concept” of abstracting away the storage of data from the business logic.
    I think I will try the Critter stack or at least the the concept of the A-Frame architecture on my next project.

  3. Jeremy, can LoadAsync return multiple types?

    Scenario – I need to get the Guest for GuestId because our business rule is we only allow our Platinum Guests to reserve our Premium Room Type.

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