Building a Critter Stack Application: Event Storming

Hey, did you know that JasperFx Software is ready for formal support plans for Marten and Wolverine? Not only are we trying to make the “Critter Stack” tools be viable long term options for your shop, we’re also interested in hearing your opinions about the tools and how they should change.

I did a series of presentations a couple weeks ago showing off the usage of Wolverine and Marten to build a small service using CQRS and Event Sourcing and you can see the video above from .NET Conf 2023. Great, but I thought the talk was way too dense and I’m going to rebuild the talk from scratch before CodeMash. So I’ve got a relatively complete sample application, and we get a lot of feedback that there needs to be a single sample application that’s more realistic to show off what Marten and Wolverine can actually do. Based on other feedback, I know there’s some value in having a series of short, focused posts that build up a sample application one little concept at a time.

To that end, this post will be the start of a multi-part series showing how to use Marten and Wolverine for a CQRS architecture in an ASP.Net Core web service that also uses event sourcing as a persistence strategy.

The series so far:

I blatantly stole (with permission) this sample application idea from Oskar Dudycz. His version of the app is also on GitHub.

If you’re reading this post, it’s very likely you’re a software professional and you’re already familiar with online incident tracking applications — but hey, let’s build yet another one for a help desk company just because it’s a problem domain you’re likely (all too) familiar with!

Let’s say that you’re magically able to get your help desk business experts and stakeholders in a room (or virtual meeting) with the development team all at one time. Crazy, I know, but bear with me. Since you’re altogether, this is a fantastic opportunity to get the new system started is a very collaborative approach called Event Storming that works very well for both event sourcing and CQRS approaches.

The format is pretty simple. Go to any office supply company and get the typical pack of sticky notes like these:

Start by asking the business experts to describe events within the desired workflow that would lead to a change in state or a milestone in the business process. Try to record their terminology on orange sticky notes with a short name that generally implies a past event. In the case of an incident service, those events might be:

  • IncidentLogged
  • IncidentCategorised
  • IncidentResolved

This isn’t waterfall, so you can happily jump back and forth between steps here, but the next general step is to try to identify the actions or “commands” in the system that would cause each of our previously identified events. Jot these commands down on blue sticky notes with a short name in an imperative form like “LogIncident” or “CategoriseIncident”. Create some record of cause and effect by putting the blue sticky command notes just to the left of the orange sticky notes for the related events.

It’s also helpful to organize the sticky notes roughly left to right to give some context to what commands or events happen in what order (which I did not do in my crude diagram in a second).

Even though my graphic below doesn’t do this, it’s perfectly possible for the relationship between commands and events to be one command to many events.

In the course of executing these newly discovered commands, we can start to call out possible “views” of the raw event data that we might need as necessary context. We’ll record these views with a short descriptive name on green sticky notes.

After some time, our wall should be covered in sticky notes in a manner something like this:

Right off the bat, we’re learning what the DDD folks call the ubiquitous language for our business domain that can be shared between us technical folks and the business domain experts. Moreover, as we’ll see in later posts, these names from is ostensibly a requirements gathering session can translate directly to actual code artifact names.

My experience with Event Storming has been very positive, but I’d guess that it depends on how cooperative and collaborative your business partners are with this format. I found it to be a great format to talk through a system’s requirements in a way that provides actual traceability to code implementation details. In other words, when you talk with the business folks and speak in terms of an IncidentLogged, there will actually be a type in your codebase like this:

public record IncidentLogged(
    Guid CustomerId,
    Contact Contact,
    string Description,
    Guid LoggedBy

or LogIncident:

public record LogIncident(
    Guid CustomerId,
    Contact Contact,
    string Description

Help Desk API

Just for some context, I’m going to step through the creation of a web service with a handful of web service endpoints to create, read, or alter a help desk incident. In much later posts, I’ll talk about publishing internal events to take action asynchronously within the web service, and also to publish other events externally to completely different systems through Rabbit MQ queues.

The “final” code is the CritterStackHelpDesk application under my GitHub profile.

I’m not going to go near a user interface for now, but someone is working up improvements to this service to put a user interface on top with this service as a Backend for Frontend (BFF).


Event Storming can be a very effective technique for collaboratively discovering system requirements and understanding the system’s workflow with your domain experts. As developers and testers, it can also help create traceability between the requirements and the actual code artifacts without manually intensive traceability matrix documentation.

Next time…

In the next post in this new series, I’ll introduce the event sourcing functionality with just Marten completely outside of any application just to get comfortable with Marten mechanics before we go on.

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